Thursday, July 28, 2011

Heaven on Earth

Yesterday I took a walk between storm fronts. The morning rain accompanied by fierce lightening had brought over an inch of rainfall.
So I decided to shoulder my backpack filled with plastic bags to protect my cameras and head through the neighbor's pasture down towards the creek.

I followed a cow path that had rain beaten evidence that cattle had moved through recently. No cow chip throwing today, it was rain soaked cow mush-pie.
I suppose I grinned when I thought of that.
Tossing mushy cow pies would be fun when you were 10 years old.
In fact, I recall my cousins using little fire crackers to blow up juicy cow pies...
ohhh, but that is another story entirely.

I first heard the sounds of water tumbling down.

The water was deeper than usual and muddy.
The moss was enchanting.
The trees dripped water droplets and rustled.
A pine warbler sang a sweet song, and the water eased my soul.

Heaven on earth in my own 'backyard'.

How could I be so lucky to have my own place of 'Zen' within a few minutes hike.

I sat down at this place and felt the dampness of the rain on the moss soak through my pants.
It didn't bother me.
I placed my tripod in the creek's brown muddy water and began to 'shoot'.

If it hadn't started raining again, and I hadn't had a watch?

Would I have wanted to come back?
Heck no.

The creek holds secrets, the creek bottom is a place to sit and think, if so inclined.
By simply observing the creek, you learn life's important lessons.

You learn to relax.

You learn to simply be.

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