I went down to the creek yesterday to just do some *chillin* before going to work. Morris of course went with me.
We enjoyed sitting out of the wind and the quiet music of the creek. It was very relaxing to sit there and just NOT think of anything.
We shared some snacks....and he did his dog~thing running around smelling and of course *watering* all the important rocks.
I took some pictures with my handy dandy pocket camera whose time is coming to an end. The memory card slot doesn't always work. Sometimes it takes a bit of gentle tapping to be able to take a photo.
But the Olympus Stylus 410 has been with me for 4 years. It has taken literally thousands of great photos for me.
Nothing like having a 'camera' on you at all times.
It has withstood more than the company had advertized. Yes it has its limitations as a point and shoot camera, but some ... no... many of my very best photos have been taken with it.
I've had 4 magazine covers published with photos from this little camera. Professionals seem to pooh pooh the power of these little pocket cameras.
But it is far easier to drop a camera into your pocket or into a pouch on your belt and climb through the woods ... than try to carry an SLR along with a tripod!
And whoops, dropping it isn't a disaster. Yes, I've done that too.
I am looking to stay with Olympus to replace it in the future. I really hate to let this old friend go.
Jiggle, smack, open, close...sigh. Viola! I can take a picture!
I am considering replacing it with an Olympus Stylus 1030 SW. I searched and drooled over SLR's but kept coming back to a camera that is waterproof, freeze proof, and shock proof. Something that will take my everyday hikes and rides and survive like the 410 did.
If I had my choice I'd have a new SLR AND a point and shoot.
But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Right now, I can get my old camera to work...still.
It will become an emergency when it fails...you know it will!
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