Saturday, February 04, 2006

Day by Day...haha

Today I decided to look around at the local hospitals and arm myself in case good Mr. Doctor L. decides to put me off for a few weeks. I am whining. I am venting. I am very peeved that I have heard NOT a THING from anyone since Monday. Yes I am not dying, but the pain is causing a huge disruption to my daily quality of life. Tonite I sat in the tub and just cried. I had raised my left arm and touched the wall behind me. My left would only move to a 45° angle. No more. I cannot wash dishes well, I cannot clean house well...I am just mad as a wet hen.
If I keep getting a push off, I am taking my MRI's, xrays, and notes...and finding me a doctor who will see me!
Ok, enough whining for tonite.

1 comment:

  1. You have every right to be mad, ventful, and upset. Pain is pain and there is no getting around it. You shouldn't have to put up with pain or put up with being put off. When enough is enough that's it. I can only imagin how you feel not being able to do things that you're used to doing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love ya,


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