Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Ok I know it now, I am obsessed with this Distance [Endurance, Competitive Distance, Limited Distance] riding thing.
I find myself making Badger a concoction of a cup of beet pulp with a sprinkle of sweet feed...I holler at the gate and he comes trotting out of the woods and eats his treat while I tell him how we are going to be International Competitors one day....
We are going to be world famous...

I've started dreaming about it, I spend waking momments gazing at nothing, thinking about IT. I find myself totally lost in thought while I am SUPPOSED to be typing boring medical notes.

I am mentally and physically preparing my buttocks for cruel and unusual punishment.
I am getting up early in the morning to hike and jog...despite the fear of wild roaming bands of wild dogs and gypsies that could carry me off...

I'm practicing taking heart rate on anything living...hubby, mule, the dog won't stand for it...

Funny, dog and hubby don't want to do the rectal thermometer thingy either...

I'm starting to think that funky riding tights and helmets along with half chaps are perfectly suitable wear for any occasion...

Someone help me quick!!!


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