Monday, February 17, 2025

I can't think of anything

Starting Thursday, I knew I was coming down with 'something'. My throat felt raw and hateful. I didn't have a temperature. So I wondered was it part of the jaw that hurt the day before?
Nope this was going to be some sort of cold.

After chores, I decided I wasn't going to let my throat keep me from at least going out to see the beautiful snowfall. We hadn't had any so far this year. We had a snowfall in December and that was gone by Christmas.

Besides, the cold air felt really good and I had plenty of energy. I wasn't going to waste a beautiful snow event just because I was getting a cold. 

[Funny but true story...when my sister and I were running distance road races and competing, we'd sometimes, get a cold. We decided to practice through our colds anyway. We were convinced that we'd beat our colds by running in the cold. You know, it sort of worked. Or maybe we were just young and invincible!]

The last time I had a serious cold was in 2009. I recall I had a fever of 101 and called into work and they said I couldn't call off. Even with a physician's note and a fever when I went the next day, I got lectured and given 'points' off and a 'warning'. Anyway that was long ago and I am rambling....

First I took care of the ladies who were having such a blast giving themselves snow baths and chasing each other around.

Here, my charming red heads telling me to hurry up with their sled full of hay.

With all the chores done and hubby taking a nap, I grabbed my two weather resistant cameras and took off to see the creek and swap out the trail cam SD card.

The trail down to the creek was getting snow filled and deep. I got down to the creek and noted that most of it was frozen with no water showing anywhere.

I went to find the areas where the water still flowed from the warm springs.

I was rather happy to find little bits of open water. It creates a beautiful magical scene with snow.

If you can find a spot that reflects the trees above, I consider that a bonus. The snow simplifies what is in the photo. The grasses are covered...

and the rocks get snow caps...

I got to this point and figured I'd better head back home, I'd told hubby that I was just going to the creek. I didn't tell him I'd get sidetracked by water, rocks, and reflections.

This is the same area that I found Bluebirds in earlier this winter. Three years ago I found Robins in the same area. Another time I saw so many of one type of bird here I was enthralled. I guess that is when I decided to try and find the names of birds.

So I stood for a few minutes and then heard a light tapping noise right above me.

Hello Chickadee! It then flew down in front of me.

...and then posed for me after getting a drink of water from the creek. 

Oh I was so tickled! And I took it as a sign to head home on a great note. The snow was still coming down. Below is my 'trail' along the creek. Whoops. I got too far out on the thin ice and broke through.
I do love my Muck Boots. I didn't get wet.

I was so happy at seeing the Chickadee that I called it a day. 

I got home, took off my coveralls, made lunch for hubby and went upstairs to sleep until evening chore time.

By then I was beyond miserable.

You know. When you think you are dead and maybe wish you were dead because it is so miserable?

Today I am coming out of it. I actually nearly feel human again.
I may even be able to take off my mask soon!



  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    You never cease to amaze me..... Lori

  2. Sounds like you had quite a siege, hope you improve everyday:)

  3. Love how red equine coats pop in winter's whiteness. Mounded snow frequently make me look twice *^* and think "is that a _______?".

    Chickadee's are such friendly cute birds. Great pics. Pretty sure the last bird is telling you to go home, rest up and feel better!

  4. It sounds like a short sickness, at least. I’ve had some wonderful encounters with chickadees, but a long time ago now. Here is one if you are interested.

    1. Unfortunately, it is still hanging on hard. But I'll be okay and...thanks for the link, I loved it.

  5. Sick or not, that outing seems to have been well worth it!


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