Monday, January 03, 2022


Waldeinsamkeit is what I have been looking for. 

According to it is a combination of two words. I really love this word and what it means.
It helped me answer that stupid midnight question of Who am I?

I am ... as one very wise friend told me: Who do you want to be today?

Today I say: I am ... this ~

and I dance to music in the kitchen with my headphones on while making beef stew.

Tomorrow I say: I am ... this ~

and I open my arms to encompass my tiny farm.

The next day I say: I am ... this ~

and I open up my backpack and pull out my camera.


Another day I say: I am ... this ~

a medical advocate or

... making spreadsheets and accounts of all expenses...planning meals... planning 

The next day I say: I am...this ~

imagination running wild.

Finally I say: I am...this ~



  1. I learned a new word! A perfect word! A word that describes you perfectly. (yes, I googled it). How wonderful to find a word that was made for you!

    1. I'm so happy that you looked it up! I should have provided a link but was curious as to see if others would be as curious!

  2. You are a remarkable woman with many facets just like a diamond!
    Never change, you are perfect just the way you are!:)

    1. I guess I should get used to wearing many hats. I hope I won't change. Thank you!

  3. I can't say the word nor would I remember how to spell it. I guess that is who I am. But I am glad that it gives you joy and I hope you stay true to all those "I am's". Keep exploring them all and add a few along the way.

  4. It's a great feeling of solitude in the forest. I actually never feel "alone" when I walk through the woods. There is always something out there to keep me company.

  5. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Wholeheartedly agree with Far Side, you are a rare diamond, enjoy being you! Waldeinsamkeit would never apply to me, I have one word for being alone in the woods - scared. :)


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