Monday, July 02, 2012

HOT Hot Hot...

Welcome to the heat wave.  From what the weather services are predicting, it is going to be very very hot and humid out there.

As the day wears on the heat rises and so does the humidity, making it very difficult to sweat and cool off.
We plan to get what work we can get done around the farm before 10am.  The rest of the day will be spent checking on animals' waters, cooling off animals when we can, and keeping ourselves cool.
Right now the NOAA is calling for a heat advisory with a suggestion that they may go to a Heat Warning.
How bad can that be?

Anyway I am on my way out the door to work with Siera, the mule, before the sun comes up.  Chores after that.  
Stay safe, stay cool.
Check on anyone you know that may need help as far as A/C. 

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