Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow!

I should be getting tired of snow right? We've had 80 some inches of the stuff this year and it has been a constant delight.
I've become a better, braver driver.
I've gotten in great shape [snow shoeing!].
I've had many opportunities to 'shoot' winter scenes.
I've started to wonder what the sun looks like...though I did see a bit of it last night.

We measured 11.5 inches of it today. At one point it was coming down at the rate of an inch per half hour.
Morris went swimming in it.
We had a wonderful walk in it...but stuck to the road as off the road was up to my hips in places!
And of course the mules had a wonderful time providing us with great entertainment this afternoon after the snow stopped!


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Like a couple of puppies. So cute...thanks!

  2. What FUN! Oh my gosh, I know you know already but I'm SOOOOO jealous! The life you lead is amazing. :)

    How on earth do you make these videos?!


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