Friday, November 17, 2023

Leading up to Gun Deer Season

 Everything is set for the 'invasion' of the woods tomorrow morning. Our little farm is 25 acres of deep forest with a small meadow. Our property is 500 feet wide and a half mile long with steep terrain and a small creek in the middle of it.

My neighbor to the west sometimes hunts or will allow some other folks to hunt on his land. He always takes them along our fence line and shows them where NOT to hunt or shoot. He is a wonderful neighbor and is always very conscious of our animals and land.

During gun deer season the normally abandoned 600+ acres of land to the east of us is inundated with hunters. Some are from the family that owns the Estate and some are friends of friends of friends who are invited to hunt the BIG hunt. In many years past we've had folks drive down our driveway to our house thinking they could just use our drive to get to the neighbor's land. We've used do not trespass signs, and for years we put a chain across our driveway to keep the riff raff out.

Many years ago a bunch of walking hunters with guns decided to walk through our yard thinking they were still on the neighbor's land. My husband who is a Vietnam Veteran did not take kindly to that.

However. That all said.
In 30 years we have not had a mishap other than a bullet from a hunter hitting the tree that hubby was sitting in.

I am forbidden to walk in our woods for NINE DAYS. Can you imagine me getting sidelined like that???

Actually this nine days is always set aside for a deep house cleaning and reorganization of the junk in the basement which includes purging.

So this is where I have been sitting for many mornings with a camera to watch the antics of our local deer.

Just over the thermos, you can see my little 'hut' which looks in a western direction into the woods.

My mules generally stand nearby waiting to catch the morning sunlight.

The view from my little 'stand' which is only about 6 feet off the ground. I can get a pretty nice view of the meadow that is east of us. 

I won't be in either of these places while the big hunt is on. 

I may do a more traditional female thing when I am bored of cleaning house. I may go and visit some of the craft fairs that will be happening locally.

Some photos from this week's sittings at my look out spot:

This little buck had been chasing little doe yearlings....

Yearlings in the early morning...

Random shots from this week:

So from this afternoon until the evening of the 26th, I most likely won't be sitting out in my little place or wandering the woods.

It will be some sort of torture for me. However, the house should get cleaned, organized, and we should enjoy watching the birds at the feeders.

I think there will be some Lego play involved too. We have a Christmas Village to complete!


  1. I do hate hunting season. We have a lot of hunters, still insisting on firing at deer even where developments have built over the fields. But we've always hunted here, they shout, when we call police to protect our kids out playing and finding spent shells. Fewer nowadays that the population has largely changed.

    1. I think if it was limited to bow it would be safer. I'm sure it is also frustrating for those hunters to see the land disappear that used to be good habitat.
      It is a no win situation.

    2. Here's the thing: there have never been deer in this part of town. They don't make it across the highways all round. So whatever they're firing at, deer ain't it! There are other sections where hunters can legit hunt. Mostly they seem to hit other hunters, despite blaze orange. There's also a season of bow hunting, but quite far away.

  2. I am sorry that people have no respect for your property. I live on the edge of town. This morning there is target practice happening at the end of my street, right next to a subdivision of close together houses with lots of small children. It is close enough I can hear the shots echoing. The property owners have about 57 acres of undeveloped property. The shooting range is within yards of the property line between them and the city. They have to drive four wheelers to get to it. I know they have the right, but what about respect?

    1. Hearing gunfire in this day and age is always a huge concern. Only a few times in 30 years have we had issues. In our area, the locals are respectful the out of towners are not at all.

      Poor Charlie becomes a quaking mess for the first few days. I hope this will be a safe hunting season for everyone.

  3. We are done with the hunt here, I think they can still Bow Hunt. Westay out of the woods during the hunt also. Oh yes go shopping after you get the house all cleaned!

    1. I think it goes to a muzzle loader hunt and bow hunt until January, but rarely do those folks actually hunt out here. It gets too cold for them.

      Once upon a time my uncle [who is gone now] said he spray painted his milking cows with the word "COW" on the side of them. :-)

  4. When we moved here one of the neighbors said we had to be glad to be out of the city, away from all the gunshots. Really. I told her I never heard a gunshot in my entire life before moving here. I know they have the right. I still don't like it.

  5. Hahaha what it takes to get the housework done....
    When I see photos of white tail deer I think they look funny with those small ears, I'm so used to seeing the mule deer here. Deer hunting goes to the 30th here, but most of the hunters who hunt locally have got their deer, it's much quieter now.

    1. I've heard that our tiny eared deer are funny looking! I've also heard that some places in the southern US have much tinier deer than ours.
      Your photos of your mule deer are just Wow!

  6. This too shall pass. Stay safe!


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