Friday, April 25, 2014

Cool... stuff! Spring.

In the past few days we've had another heifer Dexter calf.
She is a Houdini, which I guess will be her name.

We had 1.5" of rain yesterday.  That is greening things up quite nicely.

Morris and I went for a hike in the woods and found a few cool things.

May apples coming up through the detritus on the woodland floor.

My favorite find, Dog on a Log.
My helper of course!

Wild Dutchman's Breeches.  
Very beautiful.

I can't wait for them to blossom!

Off for another hike this morning to see what surprises the forest will bring!


  1. MY favorite time of year, always something new to see every day. Congrats on another fine heifer calf!

  2. Such beautiful photographs! I can feel them....

  3. That is a fine little calf - and a great name :-)


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