Who'd of thunk it? Using an old TV screen like this to make a photo like this....👇
Some say that showing the 'secrets' of behind the scenes ruins the magic. In a sense it does, but it doesn't help others learn how to improve or try new techniques. In the past, I've used my laptop screen with pretty good success. However, I could only do little figures and not something like the above Watch Tower.
I tried some more fun shots before I dismantled the TV and put it back in storage. I don't have the room to leave it set up.
The one below is similar. I used an AI generated image of a desert and placed this minifigure and her horse on top of a piece of wrinkled paper bag I had. I used my cell phone flashlight to light her up from an angle and there it was....
A warrior traveling in the desert.
I had one more I tried. I set this Pegasus and the warrior on a mirror close to the TV so I could 'shoot' her flying on her steed.
I chose a photo of mine from the archives to use of clouds.
It came out pretty good, but I had to use a 'mist' brush to cover up the lines where the mirror met the screen. I did a slight radial blur of the background.
I need to try this again. Her face and the reflection of the light on her face are awkward. But the idea seems sound. Maybe next time I can put them on a tilt to imitate flying.
In portrait photography [which I have no care to do -- I tried it and failed], Digital Backgrounds are used. As they can be for Still Life Photography too.
The backgrounds can be digital printed items, or a smart TV like I used. I've even used scrapbook paper for backgrounds.
I've also used scraps of wood that I've painted and textured.
I really prefer to 'make' my own backdrops but I enjoy using all the tools I can. I do have a light box too. I'll probably shake the dust off from that and explore some created scenes with that.
I did this last year, it was quite fun to create a story without words.
The Interview
Since our temps dropped to very cold again. I may explore some of my old methods and try some new methods of photography.
I should really really ... gather some items and do some more still life shots.
There is just so much one can have fun with.
Have a good day.