Thursday, January 23, 2025

I have only this...

I got out yesterday. It was still below that zero point when I took a walk up through the woods to go get yesterday's mail. Charlie did go with me as did Bear.

It has been a while since Bear and I went on adventures together. Silly me. When there is no one to hike with, I can always take Bear.

He never complains...

Even if he gets stuck trying to get over a log. 

I had to give him a hand of course and we went on our Merry Way.

In the afternoon we decided to go for a hike along the creek to see what was happening since the Big Chill from last week.
We didn't find many tracks other than a few deer tracks and quite a few rabbit tracks.

I left Charlie home as we were going deep into the forest and this is the beginning of coyote mating season. Mostly the coyotes will leave us alone or run off. But over 30 years of hiking these woods, I did have two instances where the 'yotes followed me and a dog during the day time.

Bear and I stopped for an updated photo of one of my favorite spots on the creek. The trees that lay across this section are now on the creek bottom. The creek no longer flows where I am squatted. It has moved to my left.

Much of the creek had ice on it and in some of the places where there are springs, it was open.
This section had slow moving water from a spring inching its way across the ice. It flows up and over the ice and then freezes.

Layers of ice build over each other.

This 20 second video shows how the water creeps over the ice.... 
I sat in the snow next to the creek and was amazed by how quietly the water just seeped onto the ice.
Overnight, it will have created a new layer of ice and will rearrange the pattern of the snow on the creek.

The ice wall got a face uplift and the colors of the ice seem to glow yellow in all that bright snow!

I spotted this little beauty in among other winter flora. I think it is the tiny hulls of the Fleabane flower.

The next few days will be beautiful with temps still below freezing, but above frigid. I hope to get out and enjoy them....

I have only this left to say....

I do not wish to be ruled by fear. 
I wish for compassion and freedom from fear.
Is that too much to ask for?


  1. I love your statement at the end.
    About water and ice, a couple of years ago I was walking by the local stream where there was ice and wind and sun. I heard what sounded like bells as the wind blew and finally realized it was the water chiming under the ice as it blew against it. Just lasted a couple of minutes and it was wonderful.

    1. Thank you. It seems as though hate has come back strong...

      Water and creeks are so calming, that must be why we seek it out all of the time.

  2. It is not.
    Watching the water intermingle with the ice was really interesting to me. You do know how to dress for winter.

    1. I do! Insulated coveralls are the bomb. Not fashionable but they work so well.
      Thanks on the little water vid, it was so interesting! I've had two scientists comment on it at IG.

  3. I like the ice-water-snow pics. Lots to work with there.

  4. It is not too much to ask for, although it is not always easy to achieve, and the political direction of your country does not bode well. Keep enjoying winter. More people should do what you do. Experience with the natural world would teach them a great deal.

    1. The political environment is toxic. I will enjoy the forest and the winter as much as I can thank you.

  5. That is very interesting water movement! That is a nice Winter flower!! Fun to see your bear out and about. Coyotes can be mean in a pack...even two...better safe than sorry with Charlie!!

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Compassion and freedom from fear. I wish for the same. There are way too many angry people surrounding us. Lori

  7. Below freezing but not frigid? You are made from sturdy stock! I loved your description of the creek. It looks so pretty with it's snowy banks.

    1. I've lived in the north all my life so it feels natural to me, plus I do like the winter months.


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