Monday, January 20, 2025

A good day for attempts and failures...

First off, we are pretty cold right now. I mean the weather is always a great subject right? I can't recall any conversation lately that didn't start without the comment, "How 'bout this weather?"

Last Friday it was 42 F  and by Monday...the air temperature is -8 here and the wind chill is -25 F. Why not? It is weather after all. Tonight, we will get to -12 or so. Well, there we go. I've seen -20 F a few times, so I know what to expect. 

I am SO grateful that when we remodeled, we were able to reinsulate and upgrade the windows and heat.

There was a time in our little cottage when our doors were covered with frost on the inside and the windows all had plastic over them. Our hydrant outside that we had for watering our stock froze up. Running a hose from the bathroom wasn't an option. But I did carry lots of water that time.

The weather service has put out an 'Upcoming Extreme Cold Warning'. 

Today is Martin Luther King's Birthday and it is a Federal Holiday. I'm going to celebrate it and not the other thing. I may even watch the Puppy and Kittens! Being featured during that thing.

Or I may just shut everything down and work on something creative to keep my mind occupied since I can't go for a hike.

Yesterday I had the bright idea of building trees out of pipe cleaners for a spooky scene with my minifigures or something else. Being quiet in a small cottage requires me to do quiet things. I built some cool 'trees' and utterly failed at doing a good job of photographing a 'scene'.

Below is just after I 'failed' at getting what I wanted...

Failed again! It looks like she is getting attacked by octopi??

Some toy photographers draw out a scene and plan and plan...on how they are going to execute it. I don't. 

I wing it. Seriously.
I never quite know what I am doing until I arrive at something that makes me happy.

I fail a lot with the light with the scene, and with the ideas.

Then I tried this version and it looked awesome in the camera...

The processing afterwards was horrible. Dark, awful, full of all sorts of artifacts. 

So last night I thought I'd just delete it all and start again.


This morning I decided to try something different. I dropped the file into ON1 and hit the button that I never use. The program then 'reads' the photo and adjusts it. Most of the time the AI adjustment sucks.

Then I scratched my head and added something called LUTS.
And I liked it.

The final:

Now this was what I was going for and by golly I'm going to keep it. Even the goofy Tree Monster turned out okay. Maybe it still looks like the minifig is getting attacked by an Octopus, but if one uses their imagination and it looks a little scary, I did my job.

In other news. 

I'm not going to get into the politics of things. But I will be following the news with the sound off so I can read it. During today's events I will be mostly offline and creating things indoors.

The mules are doing fine since they can get out of the breezes. Yesterday they took naps in an area close to the house. They looked like sleeping dragons.
They have heated water and plenty of hay and very fluffy insulating winter coats.

Little Richard is doing well also. He napped next to the shed yesterday the sun reflects its heat off the wooden siding and he was protected from the wind. 

It looks like another quiet day spent mostly indoors thinking of creative things to do.

Stay warm.


  1. I have ON1, the add-on, not RAW. (I have had RAW in the past but prefer Adobe for basic editing.) Occasionally in ON1 or even just in general, I have hit a combination that brings a photo to life. But mainly, I just do basic editing without filters.

    1. I adored Adobe Elements but when they wanted the prices they do now, I tried other places. DxO Labs is my favorite program because it is simple and quick. I can handle paying for things once and then upgrading in a few years.
      I love hearing what other folks do with their programs.

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Your weather has arrived at Skoog Farm. What a day to have the TV off....being inside, it would be nice to watch a couple of movies. You have an amazing imagination!!!! Lori

  3. Good morning, Val. I'm trying to keep my mind off the news right now too. My daughter showed me a photo yesterday of a pillow she's propped up by her door knob on the front door. I asked what she was doing and she said cold air was coming in that area. Seriously? Wow! She said it was -20 degrees F with the wind chill. Temps were around 7 degrees F. School will probably be closed for my granddaughter.

    1. I recall doing things like that too when the temps got -20F a few times. We used to hang a blanket over the doors when not using them to cut down on the drafts too.
      Bitter cold. I hope they cancel school due to the cold.

  4. It has been cold. And the news is scary. Musk did a Nazi salute today. Just gruesome.

    1. I saw that...all over the news.

  5. I just love how your Tree Monster/Minifig photo turned out! So delightfully spooky and creepy -- a triumph!

    1. Thank you! I worked with the tree monster some more and had some fun!

  6. I always have my winter door curtain up because of drafts. It makes quite a difference. Right now I have a stuffed draft blocker across the door, too, very cold tonight. I'm glad your house is well insulated.

    1. Yes! I had blankets we put up on our old doors and we nailed blankets over the drafty windows also. We also rolled up towels and stuck them at the bottom of the doors. Once it froze so hard it was hard to open the door.
      Yes, remodeling the house helped SO much!

  7. People like Martin Luther King, Jr come along once in a generation and are the patrimony of the whole world. We all salute his vision for humanity and regret that much progress is being rolled back. A duly elected ringmaster has just been installed in the White House surrounded by an entourage of clowns. It is not going to be pretty.

    1. I agree with you David. Things will get ugly very quickly. I predict hate crimes will go up again. With Felons running the country we are in for some terrifying times.

  8. Your octopi-tree is spooky! It reached -20 last night. I stayed off line all day yesterday. Listen to no news, kept head in sand. I needed one day not being bombarded by the bombastic devil in orange.

    1. I get it totally, I cannot listen to the mango speak, so I mute anything and read what is said. The felons are now in charge and it is frightening.

  9. Staying warm is a full time job! You stayed busy, we just ventured out yesterday sometime it seems like we are held hostage by the weather!

    1. Staying warm during chores was a chore too. I am glad I have the proper gear.

  10. Our last winter in Wisconsin was 2013, you probably remember it well, I think there were like 20 days it did not get above freezing.

    Your water woes brought back memories of our hydrants freezing up, trying to keep the water tanks from freezing over and trying to walk on frozen horse manure without twisting your ankle. I'd go back and do it all over again if I could!

    1. I DO recall that winter! I was working as a Security Officer and had to stand outside for a project we had going on in the plant I worked at. It was brutal!


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