Monday, March 10, 2025

The Creek and Prunes

So, I got out of the house and down to the creek. I was really surprised at this one section of the creek. The difference from February 25th to March 9th was pretty incredible. First shot March 10th. Second shot February 25th.

So how thick was this ice?

Thick. I tried counting the layers. There were over 10 layer lines of ice. Yes, that ice was really quite thick.

Charlie walked alongside of me while I was standing in the creek bed. The ice had grown tall over the water seeping below the ice. The height from the rocks to the ice was about 2 feet.

How does that form? The creek holds secrets that I may never figure out.

I couldn't help but stop to admire last fall's moss on one of the logs that stretches across the creek.

Of course, I had to take Mini Me and Charlie along. 

We also found a wild strawberry leaf!

The real life Charlie got quite muddy and wet. It didn't bother him at all. He was so happy to be out after days of being left alone in the house for hours on end and no humans to tell him what a treasure he was.

A word about our nurse from Hospice. We know each other. It was pretty funny when he asked Rich if he'd eat prunes to help with ... well you know... and Rich made a face.

I jumped up and brought out some Prunes that I have that are individually wrapped and tossed two down on the table.

The nurse picked one up and dared Rich. Rich picked it up and made a huge face.

Of course I commented "Come on Rich, you were Army, are you going to let a Navy man show you up?"

When you do a Double Dog Dare between two Service men things get done.



  1. I eat two prunes, four almonds and two Brazil nuts every day. I have done it for so many years I don’t even remember why I first started doing it!

    1. Well it seems to be a good habit, they all probably have good natural vitamins in them.

  2. You are a sly one. 😊👍

  3. HA! You know how to work those men!!!That is some mighty think ice.

    1. I was pretty amazed at how thick the ice was especially from that itty bitty trickle of a creek! Now I can get an idea of what the volume of water could be over months and months.

  4. Way to go getting out with Charlie and the double dog dare!

    1. Seems guys can't let go of a dare. :)

  5. That's a great ploy!

  6. The layers of ice! So amazing. I love what you can share with your camera eye! Thank you.
    What a great trick with the prunes. It sounds like you have the perfect nurse and a great partner in crime.

    1. Yes. We knew the nurse just before he became a Hospice nurse.
      He knows his stuff as he has been doing it for about 8 years now.
      He offers a lot of comfort as does the social worker and home health aide.
      Priceless people.

  7. Army vs Navy -- good move!

  8. Glad you & Charlie got some chill time. The layers of ice are cool. No pun intended.

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    LS.....Yep a prune contest works. I really like your stream photos.

  10. Good work!
    Your creek is wonderful. I'm sure you get such peace there.


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