Thursday, January 30, 2025

I got distracted again...

I've been fascinated by posable figures. I got this wooden figure in the art and drawing section of a store a few years ago. He was only about 5 inches tall and I thought it would be fun to pose him. 

I have enjoyed using him as a model, but not for drawing. The challenge is, he is super difficult to pose and he falls over quite a bit. I could use wire I suppose, but I am lazy. I want my subject to do it on his own.

[He came attached to a wire stuck up his bum so he would stand on a base. I used cutters and clipped it off. Darn, I bet that was uncomfortable!]

Balance and posing is something we used to do with our 12" GI Joes back when I was a kid. We often spent hours it seemed just posing them in active looking stances.

No matter. Even though this was a difficult thing to do, I seemed to find a way to make him look as though something was happening.

Going on adventures was trickier with this guy. A slight breeze would knock him over. However, the little wooden Dachshund was a hoot. 

And...sometimes the little dog would get in trouble....

It seemed to always work out in the end though. I generally take this duo out during the dull days of winter and mess with them.

However, I found a new very posable figure that is amazing to pose.

It is called Titan 13. A robot and a dog. 
It is a 3D printed and articulated poseable toy.

I actually ordered two of them and they were pretty darned cheap. The fact that these characters are blank slates so to speak make them great for visual stories. No preconceived notions like super heroes or licenses action figures.

I took a hike yesterday to see if I could find anything worth while seeing. The forest is dull and dry. We need moisture badly. I took this Titan 13 along.

A toy photographer friend of mine posted the other day that you can take a Toy photo anywhere. He showed the photo and then the parking lot he took the photo in. Proof is in the pudding!

So ... I did.

These guys are balanced on their own. No sticks or wires to hold them up or edit out. 

This next shot may be my favorite shot of the day.

To prove my friend's point, here is where I shot it... Charlie is patiently waiting for me to get going. He has become a very patient little dog.

I am distracted by these guys. So I will be enjoying them while the rest of the landscape stays dull and brown. Though I will be looking for interesting things in the forest to find.


  1. You are quite good at posing your figures. The photo of where it was done shows just how good you are at it. They make Charlie look big!

    1. It was something we did often as kids. Trying to balance a Barbie was impossible with those feet so we rarely played with them unless we put them in compromising positions with our GI Joes.

  2. So cool! Love all those photos! Yes, your new posable figure does have more flexibility and personality than the wooden model. And I have seen many photos online of superhero figurines posed in some unexpected positions, LOL. In fact, I once posted such a photo myself -- here's the link -- but you must scroll through the whole post to see it at the end:

    1. Haha! I love that. Unexpected is always so fun!

  3. Love the wooden guy's expressive poses! Altho understandably harder/challenging to work with. Made me smile. Have fun with your new imaginative colorful posy toys!!

    1. I'll probably end up using both as sometimes a harder challenge is more fun.

  4. I also like the plain wooden guy and the cute!

    1. He was my go to guy for a few years during the bleh days of Jan and Feb. I had him with Valentines Paper hearts and letters ... news, and whatnot. I should get him out again! He probably is lonely!

  5. I think your fave is my fave. I liked it already over at the other place. You did surprisingly well with that stick guy too.

    1. As a kid we used to spend hours taking toys and doing a 'set up' to tell a story.
      We had GI Joes we'd work with and we'd create scenarios with our little plastic soldiers. I enjoyed this so much as a little kid.

  6. The new guy is very cool. And I love the new doggie, too.

  7. This is so much fun! You are so very creative.


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