Friday, October 18, 2024

Rest is nice....

 Almost a full moon!

And love is in the air!!!!

In fact, love is in the air so much, that he jumped the hot wire after the doe did and....he ended up chasing her through our front pasture and beyond the forest to the west.

Cold frosty mornings bring out the Rut Season and the bucks become mate happy. They can't help it. But it sure is fun to watch.

I stood behind a tree [wearing insulated coveralls, little gloves, hat, and insulated boots for about 40 minutes in the dark waiting for the first light.

I was rewarded with the following views.

I do this right up to the start of gun season in the early mornings and late afternoons. It is my quiet time, where I can sit or stand still and just be...

and watch wildlife....

Coyote visitor to our side/front yard while I was up at the neighbor's shooting the Northern Lights.

Back again...I wonder what attracts them?
However, it seems they don't go into the pasture as the mules would not tolerate their presence.

And then off again a couple of nights later. I changed the location of the camera and set it to a 10 second video along with 3 shots.

We'll see what the coyote is up to perhaps from a different angle. In truth, our land is 1/4 mile long but it is 500 deep wide. 

So they could just be going from the woods to the east to the woods to the west. Rarely do they track through the area where the girls are. The mules chase them and if they caught them, they could very well kill them.

We've had 3 nights with temps below freezing so the hard frosts are here to stay at least until tomorrow. But the flowers are done, the leaves are dull, and the winds are picking up to blow them away.

Oh Fall Beauty, you were so fleeting but enjoyable!


  1. We are in the middle of fall beauty here! Even picking up a grandchild at preschool means we are ooing and awwing at the trees lining the streets. We are also in the middle of rutting season. We have a scanner and deer and vehicles are bouncing off each other or smashing into each other at an alarming rate. Love knows no bounds.

    1. At dawn I was out watching and counting deer. I wish I could 'harvest' some to help thin out the herd. As soon as gun season starts, they seem to disappear.
      Rut season and driving is not fun!

  2. Love the crisp changes Fall offers!!

    1. Yes it is awesome...I need another sleep to catch up on our little adventure too! So much fun! Thanks!

  3. People keep mules with horses to deter the carnivores. I have read mules are fierce defenders of territory. I have a couple of mares that think they are mules. You certainly live in the right place for you.

    1. Donkeys are very good at that also. Many cattle folks out here keep a jack donkey in their herd.
      I've seen my mules utterly destroy animals that they felt shouldn't be in their pasture.

  4. Anonymous6:39 PM

    We had a frost here too, but today and the next few will rally in the low 60s. I'll take it. The moon has been gorgeous the past couple of nights. Lori

    1. Yes, we were in the 70's on Thursday and Friday! Wow!

  5. I am feeling that I have read this, but it must have been in the other place.

    1. Probably some of it because of the posting on Flickr.

  6. We've had a frost. The animals know it. I love watching them. Good work with these videos.

  7. The Coyote is scouting for an easy meal of chickens, rabbits, squirrels. And a pack will get a deer sometimes...and dogs and cats:(

    1. Yes, I do know that. The 'yotes do run off when I step out and turn on the porch light. I stand outside with Charlie through most of his night or early morning yard duties.


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