Friday, October 11, 2024

Little me's big adventure...and the Aurora...


Hubby has coverage and meals all set up. He and Charlie get a break from me and I get a break from them. All the farm animals are taken care of. The weather looks good and I am so ready to go see my new little granddaughter and of course her folks.

I've decided to stay at a hotel near Lake Michigan and do a bit of shopping, walking, and seeing the sights of the town I used to live in years ago. 

The drive there will be casual. I'll listen to music and take a route so that I can visit a place called Paradise Springs again. I'll feel a bit like my life is untethered and free at least for a little while. That is about the nicest thing I can do for myself.

Last night I saw that we might be able to see an Aurora Borealis show. My neighbor -- who I share the driveway with asked if I was going to watch for it. She said she'd text me if she saw anything and I agreed to text her if I saw anything.

She did text me around 7:30 to say she saw faint pinks in the northern sky and it wasn't even dark yet!

I ran out and got this....

It was very faint to the naked eye but I was ecstatic! I set things up in our little valley and asked my neighbor if she wanted to come down and get the view of a bigger sky. She couldn't, the kids were in bed and hubby was at a meeting.

So I walked up to her place in the woods.
The show was still incredible.

When the skies did this....

I thought it would be fun to do a star trail. The Oly camera I use has a LiveComp setting which detects light movement and adds it to a composite as it happens.

I don't have to take 400 shots and then align them later. 
Each time the waves of color moved, the camera added that to the photo also.

What I ended up with after 25 minutes was wild...

Airplanes and maybe some shooting stars passed overhead.

While the camera was doing its magic Cibyl and I stretched out on the gravel with our cell phones and took shots.

We even walked out to the road where she dropped into the ditch and laid back to view and shoot the sky.

Cellphone shots...

I mean, it was insane and we oohhheedddd and ahhhhhed and giggled like kids. 

Cibyl sent me a chart explaining the colors that we saw:

I took so many cellphone shots that it was crazy. They turned out okay.

But I enjoyed trying to nail something special with the Olympus.

Star Trails above her house when the sky turned red with green and yellow... the Aurora waves were so bright that they washed out the stars in the lower part of the photo.

It felt insane to see the skies turn red at night.

I commented that if it wasn't the would look like the end of the world...
It fluctuated and changed and seemed never ending.

Finally, we called it a night. Her hubby came home and the lights started to fade.

At least...

That is what I thought...

As I came down the driveway, my naked eyes saw something faint in the east...

still going on...

But I was tired and had miles to put on the next morning. So I thought I'd take a finishing shot over our house.

I was so pleased at what showed up.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Beautiful pictures! We missed going outside to see it last night. Neighbors took pictures. RHill, TX

  2. What a night to remember!! The gurus are saying last night was the strongest display in over 20 years. It is great that so many got to experience the sky's colorful dance.

    Have a wonderful safe trip! Will look forward to hearing about your travels and seeing more. of your wonderful photos.

  3. My gosh, you captured some incredible photos!! Wonderful shots, and I'm guessing you will remember this night for a long time. We even had some aurora in the S CA desert skies (based on numerous Facebook posts I saw). Unfortunately, I wasn't in the desert to see them, but seeing your photos is the next best thing!

  4. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Fabulous shots! Went out twice and could not get any photos. So bummed. Lori

  5. Wow you got some beautiful shots!! Hope you have a safe wonderful trip!!

  6. Your camera and phone both do a fine job.

    Your husband is spoiled if you leave meals for him. I will not show this to Sue.

  7. I have seen so many photos of the lights. Yours are the absolute best!


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