Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Can't Sleep? Solve the world's problems!

 Yeah, I do that too.

But I am not very good at it at all. Last night I kept waking up for 'no' good reason. So for a long while I just mulled over everything. That means politics, house keeping, elder care, yard care, tree trimming, fences, mules, farrier scheduling, hay ordering, and then there was my list of things I'd LIKE to do.

Bike riding, hiking, hiking, hiking, bike riding, trying out camping, traveling, and of course photography.

None of that really helped me go back to sleep.

I decided to just turn the light on and read a boring book. That didn't help. I put the book down and got a pad of paper. I made out my list of to-do's for the next day and checked the weather report. I laid out my plans for the week and wrote down a plan of action.

I turned off the light and rearranged pillows and Charlie. Yep, he sleeps with me. Honestly he rarely takes up any room and never bothers me at night. I moved him over and put my chin on the window sill and started listening to the night sounds.

Something struck me and nearly took away my breath. The crickets were singing, off in the distance an owl called her/his song. 'Who Cooks For You?' Another answered. There were no other sounds. I wrapped myself in those thoughts. Peaceful, quiet. Just outside my window for me alone to enjoy.

I decided to not waste any more time and I got dressed to take a walk. Why? Why not? 

Because the view was this. A sliver of a moon and stars coming through the light layers of clouds and mist. [Cell phone shot with my Google Pixel phone---night site really came through!]

On the walk up the driveway and out to the ridge I counted 8 fireflies. I was so surprised. I never thought I'd see them in late August.

I popped up some deer who blew and snorted at me before they crashed off through the forest. Forest sounds.

Somewhere close was another creature walking through the forest. There was a faint crackle and the slight noise of leaves being crunched. After about a half hour or so, I headed back home. I felt more relaxed and my mind wasn't on all of those things that were running about in my brain.

I made some coffee [I drink decafe] and took Charlie out on the porch with me to sit some and listen while the skies started to brighten.
I tried to get a shot of the moon sliver. Here it is, but it isn't very good. [Not cell phone!]

Soon enough I heard realized which birds had already left. There were no Robins or Wrens making their morning racket at all. They'd been missing for a while, but I hadn't gone out in the predawn just to sit and listen for them.

The catbirds were still around, but less of them. Just as the sky was starting to brighten, I heard a pair of Sandhill Cranes. 

And one even perched on the old oak tree east of us.

Just as quickly as the sky started to brighten, the fog moved in and obscured the sky.

Maybe not being able to sleep wasn't a bad thing after all. I got a walk in, I enjoyed seeing things I normally wouldn't see. 
Charlie was content to sit on the porch bench with me and enjoy the night scents and sounds with me.

I did not solve the world's problems and I was disconnected from the outside world which left me free to let my mind chill out. Plans are made to be broken. Life doesn't always go the way we want.

And sometimes, you just have to adjust and deal with it.

I think of that Disney Movie song:

Let it Go.


  1. This is a thoughtful post. Letting go. A problem, but I think I will work on it.

  2. I so can empathise.
    Good for you for getting up and doing something. I think, if we had a dog, I'd go walkies. I am a bit nervous in the dark in the forest, though.

    1. I agree with you. It can be a bit nerve wracking. I spent a lot of time the forest at night when I handled hound dogs so I got comfortable with the night forest.
      Plus, we don't have many bears in our area.

  3. I think this is a second Poor Sleep post that I have read today. I had a rough night too, at least for hours at the beginning. I tried a game of Sudoku. I was tired enough that it wasn't fun, but it didn't help me to go to sleep.

    1. Well, I slept much better last night so there is that!

  4. Wishing you peace, dear friend.

    1. I have peace, just sometimes, I think too much?

  5. What a marvelous nighttime adventure! But I bet you're tired today!

    1. I was but I slept quite well overnight!

  6. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I don’t sleep much. I am glad to be up in the middle of the night but do stay up long enough to be tired. Ld

  7. I would do that too if we didn't have a bear! Your mind was all clogged up and too busy to sleep! What a nice morning you had!


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