Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quiet Riot at the Bee Balm Patch...

The last shot is something that used to be impossible without modern cameras.

Getting several shots in quick succession while keeping things in focus used to be nearly impossible in the film days.

Now there are cameras that 'track and focus' on whatever you choose to follow. It is quite amazing. I love 'shooting' butterflies and hummingbirds as they move from flower to flower.

I miss a lot of shots even with the fantastic modes in my camera. It may take me a few days worth of trying to get anything decent, but it is always worth the extra effort.

The Swallowtail shot consists of 3 shots blended together later in a program I use called ON1. It is so much simpler [and cheaper] than Photoshop.


Enjoy my Quiet Riot at the Bee Balm Patch.

 PS~ I did get a visit from one of the Tree & Brush Folks! Yeeehawww!


  1. So fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty.

  2. Yeah for getting a call and your Bee Balm is a party place!

    1. Yes, and he showed up to check things out and will send me an estimate and 'contract'!

  3. Yes the swallow tails are lovely and I really like he shot. I really need to get my be balm growing strong. I haven't seen any butterflies yet other than the small white ones.

    1. They aren't always easy to spot. I had to sit for a while to watch for the one I saw!

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    You are such a great and creative photographer. Happy to read that help is on the way! Lori PS How did you like the news today?

    1. I am somewhat energized with it. Hope is still there.


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