Monday, May 06, 2024

Sunday~~ day of rest???


Well, sort of. I promised myself not to do too much work. Well, that didn't happen.

Saturday I found pie at the Farmer's Market and purchased some fresh greens to eat. I decided to head out to a place where there is a Mennonite Store in Coon Valley. [Yes, that is a real name. Coon Creek runs through Coon Valley]

Years ago I got a couple of Hens 'n Chicks from a friend. I have been finding different ways to use them as they multiplied.
Since I am not a huge fan of pies ~~ baking, that is, but had many pie tins given to me in the hopes of making me a 'baker'....... 

I began to make Hen 'n Chick pies. I have added other little plants. Dragon's Blood Stone Crop and a yellow type of stone crop someone gave me. I add some soil, some rocks, and make a Succulent Pies.

I used a plastic dog dish one year and any other odd little containers I can find. Eventually, I ended up with multiple little pies and containers of cute little succulents.

This year I thought I'd try a little rock garden.

I purchased some little plants. I used Google Lens to try and ID this but really didn't get a good answer. The table I purchased this from just said: Succulents.
I liked its color so I went with it.

The next two are mysteries to me also. But I like them for their textures and shapes. So I put them in the one spot of the porch that is very sunny and warm during the summer.

It is also the place where I like to have my fossil rocks displayed. 

I don't know if these 3 plants will overwinter in my zone and come back, but I know that the other little succulents will.

I don't know if you can see the little dog planter I found -- in the photo below.. It was just too adorable to pass up. I worked on this part of the porch while the grass was still so wet from our heavy dew and foggy sunrise.

I still need to add some mulch to the area to tidy it up and make it look nicer...

and I need to tidy up the porch next to the bench so I can take the rocking chair out there and a little table for coffee.

This is the same spot last year at this things change!
I did plant nasturtiums in this area last year.

The Ajuga I have on the other half of the porch has gone crazy. One year I lost so many plants and this past year, despite the drought, the Ajuga...or Bugle Weed has come back strong. It has presented us with an amazing carpet of purple.

Next year, I may have to dig some out and share the plants with others or find a good spot that they would like. This year, I will enjoy them. They make a good border for around that side of the porch. [And the bees are really loving them!]

I had to mow the hill on the highest setting on our self propelled mower and it still plugged up. I just mowed it last Monday. 


The setting says it is mowing at 7 inches. I nearly gave up and thought about fencing the area off for the mules to chomp on. However, I am very grateful for the rains compared to the last two years of very dry and dusty springs.

In fact, the rain and warm weather have been providing the forest with a huge Flush of Morel Mushrooms. My neighbor found 5 lbs yesterday in a spot where we have searched before and found nothing!

I turned the dirt over in my 4 little flower gardens and then weeded until my fingers wouldn't work any more.

I wanted so badly to start planting seeds but thought it was a bit too early.

My wildflower 'beds' are ready for planting along with the area next to the house that I plant zinnias and 4 o'clocks. 

Our foggy morning seen through my infrared camera.

Sleepy mules:

Box Elder tree and fog:

Enjoy your Monday.


  1. I think I would call your Hen & Chicks project Chicken Pot Pie! Great use for the pie tins.
    You can bake cookies in my Ninja oven. The top oven has a "bake" button and the bottom oven has a "convection bake" button.
    You would have to use a 10 x 10 baking sheet (it comes with 2) but since you can use both ovens at once, you could a dozen or more at a time. The only thing is that there are no burners and I still have to use the ones on my stinky smart stove.

    1. That's funny!

    2. I would like something like that. I might even be interested in trying new dishes!

  2. That is a great succulent garden! I have some kind of Sedum that gets little yellow flowers and it spreads everywhere it would be good in your fossil garden which is very interesting and impressive:) Ajuga transplants nicely just make sure it has enough water for about two weeks, it is lovely in the Spring and a delightful change from dandys for them:)

    1. I started with 3 plants of Ajuga and now have a beautiful border of them that keeps expanding into the yard.
      I've even started patches in the perennial garden on the east side of the house.
      I do love their abundance of purple flowers in the spring!

  3. You are getting things in shape. I like the idea of using shallow unused containers as succulent gardens.

    1. Thanks, I even thought of old take out containers as things to hold them. But they don't look very nice.

  4. Chicken Pot Pie made me laugh! What a great idea, amd the little dog planter is adorable.


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