Monday, May 27, 2024

So it goes

Have you ever felt like you are going in multiple directions at once? Or do you stand in a room sure that you came in there for one thing and then discovered that you are actually going to do several things?

You pick an item up and then walk to another room to put it away and suddenly you are reorganizing a spot that you didn't intend on doing?

Oh wait? Wasn't I folding that pile of laundry that I tossed on the bed? Hmmm. Easier to throw it back in the basket and just pick out a few things I need.

If I put the battery charger away for the electric weed whacker, shouldn't I just take the battery out to the porch and start whacking away? Oops, no, I need to feed the birds.

But when I feed the birds and clean the hummingbird feeders, I get an idea of another sort.

Geeze, how does such a little dog like Charlie shed so much? A quick vacuum to catch the dog hair balls...and then another trip to the kitchen to finish what I originally started.

Wait. Wasn't I going to make a grocery list? Oh yes. I keep a pad on the table so I can add things as I come across them.

Oh darn, there goes a reminder on the phone to call in meds and another reminder to go to the gym tomorrow. Hey, wasn't I going to move the mules to another pasture?

I get out to the pasture and go back to the shed to get the scythe. How did those thistles grow up like that overnight?

Oh crap, wasn't I going to get my bike out and clean the dust off from it? The tires need air.

When my days get like that, I have to sit down and make a list of things to do and an order that they should be done.

I open the frig to grab the milk to make my cereal before the other half gets up and...oh yes...

I was going to go get milk.

So it goes....


  1. This is amusing and oh so true! Go get that milk!

  2. Yes sounds like some of my days!

  3. It is the way of life, isn't it?!

  4. I think you are in my brain.


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