Sunday, April 21, 2024

Yes! There and back.

 We made it safely!

Funny how this trip was much harder to plan for but also much nicer to do. 

The back seat driver never showed up. In fact he just spent time napping and pointing out how things had changed since the last time he could recall going into that area. Since his last trip to K-town, there have been some major road changes.

The bypass around two of the towns we used to drive through were major changes and hubby commented about them.

It had been about 20 years since Hubby has taken a trip to Kenosha. 

Charlie and I enjoyed early morning walks through the neighborhoods and even met up with other friendly dog folks. 

What a pleasant way to start a Saturday morning.

I also found a Road Runner car in someone's driveway and stopped to admire it. [Hubby used to have a Road Runner of the same vintage.]

The highlight and purpose of the trip was to see Rory [aka Aurora]. Of course she absolutely kidnapped Rich's heart. Let's just call him smitten with Rory.

Spending time with the Grands are always wonderful. But when a little one is around, something extra special happens. You know, hugs, snuggles, and more snuggles. 
As many snuggles as you can manage.

Poor Charlie, he felt like odd man out. However, he did get to steal a toy from Twila who is my son's dog.
Here he is acting as if he has no idea how the Sloth Toy ended up next to him.

The dogs played and Rory stole everyone's attention. And why not? Wasn't that the purpose of the visit?
I have to say that Megan is a master cook. Our evening meal was beyond delicious.

Thank you to the best host and hostess around [and let's not forget the cutest baby ever!]

So we did it. It was a trip that was hard to plan and execute, but it all came together nicely.

Rich's company on drive was a real bonus. 

We are tired but very content and Rich keeps talking about that Rory!

We did it!


  1. What a wonderful picture of baby and Gdad. A keeper. Such happiness. I'm so glad you made the trip. And Rich has something to think and talk about. Great all round. Well done, you!

  2. So happy to hear you had a good trip! Love that photo of Rich and Rory!

  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Wonderful! I am so happy to see it all turned out good.

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    So glad you had a wonderful trip and made it home safely. Rory is precious! RHill, TX

  5. Absolutely fabulous - what a success!

  6. Aren't they wonderful, grandies?!

  7. I am so happy for you. I know you were very worried about the actual traveling and Rich's adjustments to the situations. And so so glad that it all went well. Isn't she just the most precious!!!! Poor Charlie, someone competing for attention.

    1. He really did very well but of course says he can't do it again...well, we shall see!

  8. Nothing like a good road trip and seeing loved ones to break up the continuity of days. Lovely child, and that's precious photo of her with Rich.
    Mo Par Muscle! Yeah!
    Oh Charlie, such an innocent look!

    1. Thank you, it was a memorable trip indeed.


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