Sunday, February 25, 2024


Sometimes our lives take us on journeys that are unexpected.

You can feel as if you are afloat in an unknown territory.

You can face unexpected twists and turns and at some point have to stop and make a decision as to whether or not you move forward despite the odds.

oh brother I have tried
like a drop inside an ocean
but there's some comma on my light

there's a place where i am going

it's out of my control
so i'm going to coast
for a little while

[lyrics by Moontricks]

10 seconds

Sometimes you need to get your Ducks in a Row and they just don't want to cooperate.

Little Rogue Duckies!

Keep on keeping on and just coast along.


  1. There are times when the best thing you can do is coast, my friend.

  2. Hope things are ok with you

    1. They pretty much are okay, just doing a lot of thinking and preparing for things. I am healthy and just a bit stressed.
      I think I should just hop on one of the mules and take a stroll.

  3. They are adorable! I shall look forward to our ducks coming back.

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    LD.. The bible talks about having tears but there will be Joy in the morning. The coasting is the same as your ease your burdens and wait, for that perfect sunrise will be there a and you do feel rest and at peace and you smile back at all those little ducks that have collected.

  5. Nice way to work those ducks out. At least they are coasting!!

    Never heard of Moonstruck. Unless we are talking about last night, when the full moon was rising. It was stunning amongst the parting clouds. I decided not to take photos and just pondered for a while.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      I meant Moontricks 🤦🏻‍♀️ (Aurora)

    2. It is a different genre of music that I imagine most people my age wouldn't have heard of. My nephew is a musician and he turned me on to a whole different sort of music. Funky names, like Moontricks, Dirtwire, Gone Gone, and others. I find the music pleasing and not anything that would be played on the radio.


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