Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Meanwhile at the tree

Here is another shot of my Christmas Chair and tree. 

It is the light that I really love. Oh and of course all of the toys that are running about.

These are carousel horses that were given to me years ago. Funny that three different people purchased these and gave them to me. The horses match. I've always thought that was amazing. 

The horses were on the chair and I guess that made them vulnerable to the Star Wars Storm Troopers who thought they'd go for a joy ride. I don't mind, it looks like they were having a great time.

I hope my 'chair shenanigans' don't bore anyone. After all, I do it for me and not really anyone else. 

During those cold, damp, dreary, and grey December days with longer nights and shorter days...I generally need something to distract me.

On the chair. Miss LaFleur and Yvette rearrange ribbons and add an ornament to the tree. They are so happy that the chair allows them access to the branches!

Oh my! It looks like the Dinosaurs are back giving Santa a hard time. 

I wouldn't worry too much. Santa usually has these things under control. He just keeps some of Charlie's dog treats handy....

I've heard this year that the dragons wanted in on having fun at Christmas.  I also heard that they took over the space under the chair.

I understand that they are not exactly happy about the color of the string of beads.

I heard one grumble:

I thought you said there'd be gold under this place! I want gold!

Behind the scenes, the Lego elves are getting involved. This one is busy feeding one of the unicorns who jumped off the tree for a treat.


and not on the chair we find Rabbit and Bear. Rabbit is always kind to Bear trying to find ways to cheer him up and make him feel better.

Rabbit to Bear:

Here you go Bear, this small box represents all my love and caring for you. 

this time of the year is not easy
for everyone
remember kindness


  1. I hope they don't keep you up at night with all the adventures going on! What fun!

    1. Well the dragons were a bit noisy last night. I hope they are quieter tonight!

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Once again, I plan to share your incredible chair! Lori

  3. What fun! That's cool about the carousel horses .I found one at the second hand store this year to add to my tree.
    You could write a children's Christmas book about all the antics around your tree!

    1. 2nd hand stores are great for unique items.
      Thank you!

  4. Fun stuff Val, thanks for the smiles:)

  5. I mean it when I say I enjoy your tree shenanigans. Your tree corner is very pretty.


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