Wednesday, October 18, 2023

How 'bout them bones?

Two years ago  I had a Bone Scan and didn't think a thing of it until I got an email with the results. 

Shocking! How on earth could the results be so concerning? My doctor called me that night and we set up another appointment. My scores didn't just say Osteopenia. The results were considered pretty severe in regards to the lumbar spine. 

In fact I had nightmares about going to do something that winter and literally having my bones burst out of my body and scatter all over the place. 
Wouldn't that give you a Halloween Nightmare!

I sort of explain things in an April 2022 post where my Osteoblasts are fighting my Osteoclasts.

In short, I was unable to continue with the medication that was prescribed the would keep me from losing more minerals. 

I went back to CrossFit and took up Mobility [and Balance] classes, along with weight training to build up my core muscles to protect my spine along with a moderate change in diet.

I have to be honest. I am horrible when making dietary changes. I do eat my veggies, I do eat mostly properly, but I eat as my husband would say 'like a bird'. I don't like a ton of meat. I like soups and stews, but not steak and tators like he does. I'd rather eat a salad sometimes.

I was asked to drink milk and eat yogurt much more. I don't like milk. I like it if it IS chocolate milk once in a while or if it is a MILKshake. But just milk? Ick. And after a few months of all that extra dairy, my stomach revolted.

So I substituted some Calcium supplements along with some vitamins and continued going to the gym. I enjoy what we have in the gym and it is a social relief to be around other sweaty people. Many times it is comedic relief also.

I let the whole Osteo thing sort of slip from my mind. I figured that I was doing what was right for me and being active and amused is better than being afraid and sorrowful. I let it slip away that is until the next scan which was Monday.

The result was:

Two years and there was almost no change. 
One hip got a tiny bit crappier 'score' and one hip improved on its score. 
The lumbar region had ... and I quote "No significant change".

I feel like I passed a big test and didn't flunk it! To me, this means that I think I am doing something right. Now the endocrinologist may think otherwise when we meet next week. However I will listen to her and discuss medication.  

We've tried Fosamax and Teriparatide aka Forteo with some extremely painful results. I suspect she'd like me to try a newer medication that can only be taken for a year called Romosozumab aka Evenity. It is supposed to build bone density up and can be taken only for 12 months before reverting back to one of the previous meds I've already had or suffer loss of bone due to the new med.

I'd like to hear her take on vitamins and diet and what her thoughts are regarding the No Significant Change. I've had no fractures and no breaks ever in any of my bones so what does she think of that?

Eventually the lower back will have a compression fracture[s] that is inevitable. 

But until then I will be friends with my bones and make sure I take care of them in the best way I can.


  1. You are very active, that has to help. No significant change over a years time says to me you are doing something right.

    1. It does say something to have no change in 2 yrs. So yeah, maybe I am doing something okay. :-)

  2. This sounds pretty good at this point. I've never had a fracture, nor any one in my whole extended family that I know of. But my numbers for the hip area are steadily getting nearer osteoporosis. So I'm getting Prolia twice a year, with blessedly no aftereffects. I had an awful time with fosamax at the lowest possible dosage. I'd never suggest anyone take it.

    1. My numbers are in the osteoporosis area already and the lumbar area is way beyond that. I am on the fence about having a reaction for up to 6 months and from an injection. Fosamax and Forteo were bad for me. However, that is not what everyone experiences.
      I'll know more next week, though thank YOU for your input!

  3. I have the dreaded bone scan coming up soon. I refuse to take pharmaceuticals so it will be interesting to see if I can find other ways to improve bone density. I like your ideas although working out in a gym is definitely not gonna happen for me.

    1. I get that. The gym is a 10 mile one way trip for me and the group is astounding so I have that and their wonderful support.

  4. Good for you!!!! It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I decided not even to try the medications. I have heard too many horro stories.

    1. I am conflicted about that. I hear bad things, but I also am willing to give things a chance if I need it. My husband would not be here without meds so I have to look at both sides of the coin.
      At what point do we need certain meds? Just a rhetorical question, don't mind me!
      I appreciate your comment and hope you could find a good solution too!

  5. You didn't get worse so that should be a step in the right direction! Hope the Endo Dr agrees with your plan.

  6. You are doing such an admirable job of staying healthy!! It is on us to say no. Keep on doing what feels right to you!

  7. There must be some dietary thing that you like to do. Isn't meat a good bone builder also. My diabetic diet is almost all meat and vegetables. now. I miss bread and pasta.


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