Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Dog Watcher/Walker and Cat

My neighbors went to Oregon to visit relatives and asked if I was able to care for their pets while they were gone. I've done it once before and found their pets to be lovable and very pleasant so I said yes!!

Rupert is the black dog and he is just a huge goof ball. He is permanently happy.

Tio was adopted in Africa and brought home to the US. He is reserved and once you become buddies with him, he is your best friend. I've never heard him bark and he moves with such incredible grace.

He doesn't care much for the cold either.

The photo below is of my house across the hollow. I'm on my neighbor's acreage north of their house.

I guess this is a rare or pricey special breed of cat. He has a name but I don't recall what it is. He was given to our neighbors years ago by someone who couldn't keep him. Cat hisses at me a lot and then I pet him when he is eating.
This summer they left him alone in the house while they went camping and took the dogs. Apparently the cat got sick from anxiety and lack of company. So I am making sure Cat has human time at least 3 times a day while they are gone.

My walk in the woods with Charlie was pleasant and I was surprised by how much green there is out there yet. With the coming frost it should change quickly.

I guess I'm getting a lot of extra walks in this week. This is fine, I'm really enjoying the time with the neighbor's pets.


  1. That cat has such pretty eyes! How nice that you pet sit!

    1. I don't recall what breed the cat is, but it does have the most interesting color and eyes!

  2. The cat looks like an Assiniboia.
    My daughter adopted dogs from foreign countries, they seem to have issues at first but eventually bond quite well.
    The black dog has such a goofy loveable face!

    1. I think I asked what the cat was before and they told me. However, this time around the cat is much friendlier than it was in February. I actually sit with it and pet it. He even rubbed my leg. No purr yet, but hey, much better than all the hissing he did last time.

  3. You are a good neighbor. The cat does have huge eyes! Lots of walks is right up for alley.

    1. They are older dogs, but they sure seem to enjoy the extra attention as does the cat this time around!

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    A good neighbor indeed! Lori

  5. It is kind of fun to help out. I am glad people get good care for them and don't put them in crates somewhere.

  6. Val, Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!! Glad that you like my Cabinet of Curiosities... Looks like you cared for some sweet pets which was so kind of you to do so!! I hope you have a great weekend!!


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