Sunday, July 09, 2023

25 Years together

Sunshine and I have been together for 25 years now. Her mom was a grade Arab/Quarter mix that I was riding when I met my husband. At that time I'd never seen a mule until I met hubby and his mule Fred.

Cheyanne was with us until she crossed the Rainbow bridge at 28 years old.

I took Sunshine out last night because for the first time in a while, the weather was nice and not insanely hot or smokey.

Rich told me that I needed to work with her and I have done so for all of her years. Last night she thought that perhaps she'd creep away while I was mounting her. I told her she was naughty so we did some practice walks, stops, and back up until she recalled her manners.

Then it was time to ride about the yard and driveway to make sure her brakes and turn signals still worked.

They did.

She felt so comfortable and relaxed that we went off for a short jaunt to watch deer on the ridge and collect the mail.

She detected a hen turkey and we watched them scurry out of the corn field and across the road in front of us. The little ones were so cute.

Her reaction was a big sigh and then we moved on. 

I just wanted a short ride to see where her mind was at. She was with me and not worried about the calls from her sister at home. The funny thing about most mules is that they generally don't like leaving their herd mates. Sunshine has always been a bit more independent that way. As long as she has a human with her, she is relaxed.

We saw three bunches of deer who came running out of the cornfield and bounded into the woods. It was too late in the day to go down into the woods for us, it would have been too dark. So we just walked out to the open ridge and scoped out the fields.

I figured that was good enough for our first jaunt this year.

A view from the saddle on a long eared mule. [20 seconds]

The woods were getting dark.

When we got home I see that Sundance [Sunshine's sister] had been having an absolute fit that her sister had left the property.

Siera on the other hand was peeved because she was separated from the bay horse we call 15.  Or perhaps they were both pissed because they had hot wires between them.

In a few more days they will get used to this arrangement and I won't have to walk all the way to the back woods to grab either Sunshine or Siera.

I did take Siera out and ask her to recall her manners on a lead line. At first she wanted to look for her pals and then she decided that she'd follow my directions. Walk, turn in hand, back up, and stand for inspection.

Here she is after grooming. Her attention is on the other mules.

Siera used to be give me a very hard time about leaving on her own. I do miss the days of going to Wildcat or Duck Egg to ride. There was never any 'home' drama. But since hubby can't drive and the old truck is Kaput, I make do with woodland trails and open fields and back roads.

Meanwhile, Sunshine trotted up to the fence and had a talk with her sister, Sundance. At home in the pasture she can be a real goof. 

I turned Siera back out and the rest of the evening was rather undramatic. They all took turns rolling in the dust to get the flies off them.

I look back and am amazed. One mule for 25 years? We've certainly become good friends. There won't be any more after Sunshine and Siera. 
It is Siera's turn under saddle on Sunday. 



  1. Interesting talk about working with mules to this person who knows nothing of them. I didn't realize they could be ridden. I thought of them as draft animals, from seeing them pull barges on the Delaware, tourist stuff.

    1. I had no idea either until I met my husband. He was riding a pony mule named Fred.
      Once I started riding mules, I enjoyed their thoughtfulness and their loyalty.

  2. Wonderful! Having a trusted mount/s for 25 years is priceless. Enjoy the ride!!

    1. I'm a very lucky to have had such good solid equine in my life.

  3. Sundance certainly did pitch a fit! I bet it felt good to ride.

    1. It really did. I was o relaxed when we got back. It wasn't a long one, but it sure was nice.

  4. Sunshine sounds like a great friend.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Love your mules! Lori

  6. Sunshine did have a good time. It is nice she likes her human. I learn a lot about the mules and all their different behaviors.

  7. Sounds like a perfect first ride of the season!
    I've had Beamer for 21 years, sure wish he was still rideable.
    Nice to have trails to ride from home when you can't haul.


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