Wednesday, August 03, 2022


There are a few flowers I grow because they bring me particular joy and they are really quite easy to care for.
That would be Zinnias and 4 O'clocks.

It is the 4 O'clock that brings me the most joy because of their sweet evening scents that they wrap the house in. In the morning, I can enjoy them before the sun closes them up for the day. My grandmother grew them in her small garden. Before summer's end, we'd collect the little black seeds before they dropped and save them for the next summer.

Now these flowers come in multiple colors. Pink, white, yellow, and a bright red. If you collect the seeds for several years, the flowers will start to become multicolored as they cross pollinate. 

Their scent is heavenly. did I say that already?

I noticed that one of the plants on the west side of the house has bright red blossoms that are tinged with a yellow edges. 

The Zinnias that I tossed into the dirt and raked about are going gung ho. They aren't as tall as I've seen them in the past but I heard other flower gardeners say the same about some of their plants. 
I will collect seeds from the Zinnias this year.

Most of these Zinnia seeds came from a seed exchange with Aurora. So I have her to thank for the beautiful array of colors.

I collect several vases of them each day and fill a section of my countertop with a mix of vases and jars to hold them.

This is the time of summer that I am the happiest with a riot of colors to see and enjoy. 

In my wildflower garden which was just a patch of bare dirt in the middle of the yard, I have Bachelor's Buttons and a variety of pink flowers, along with some sunflowers that are getting ready to blossom. 

In front of the house on the east side, the few sunflowers I planted are blossoming. I planted some of the tall ones and some ones that are only supposed to get to 2 feet tall. 

One of the shorter ones just budding out!

I didn't have much luck with the red sunflowers, but I see a short one budding on the porch garden.

The goldfinches are happy as are the bees. Today I took out a chair and just watched the fun while sitting in the shade.


  1. Beautiful flowers! With the high temperatures we’ve had for two months, my zinnias are looking a little ragged. Salvias and celosias are blooming like crazy though. Love to read your blog posts, but rarely comment.

  2. So pretty! We have Four O Clocks along the roadside how they manage to grow there I don't know but they come back every year!

  3. Beautiful flowers. I love planting zinnias, they have never failed me.

  4. You have some great looking blooms. I planted from collected zinnia seeds this year. Some years I do collect them right and they don't grow. I like to cut and bring in zinnias but mine are late this year and I don't want to thin out my field of flowers just yet. I like how zinnias handle the heat even though I do sneak them a drink once in a while,

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    These are great photos! You have quite a variety and I also think they bring a lot into every room.


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