Friday, July 29, 2022

Sunshine and Changes

The end of July is here, that means I start to think only of riding. It seems that I spend the spring and part of summer tending to everything else but riding.

I had hired Molly to help me with things around the farm and sadly that only lasted two weeks. She stopped coming over and then after the lost dog incident she took off to who knows where.

[The dog was found alive 5 days later in a creek bottom about 1/2 mile from their house!]

With Rich's PT schedule which is 3 times a week, I have to rethink my whole weekly plans. 

Thankfully with the nicer weather and the yard and gardens all doing quite nicely, I turned to my other summer project. I dove into saddle and tack cleaning.

Most of our tack is kept in the horse trailer as the tack room Rich was 'gonna' build in the shed never happened. I have 3 saddles that I do use. So I keep all my gear for Siera and Sunshine in good shape.

The saddle shown below was a custom built saddle for me. It even has my 
name stamped on it. 
It is a nice mule saddle. The only drawback is, it is heavy.

My Mule Saddle is always ridden with a britchen as the places I ride are steep. This saddle would slide forward on those steep downhills. I use a crupper on the lighter saddles but am thinking of using a britchen on the other western Simco saddle too.

While I was cleaning and inspecting the gear, I tried to think of how old these items where. The britchens are well over 30 years old. The Simco saddle I purchased in 1991 at Midwest Horse Fair in Madison WI.

Anyway the Mule Saddle looks like this when being used:

Old photo from 2009 with me on Siera at Wildcat parking area

What britchens look like on our mule Mica who is fully retired now:

So I got off track with all the saddle stuff.

In the evening I caught up Sunshine and planned on taking her out and about on the ridge to visit some neighbors.

So, the little mule herd decided to run, buck, fart, and carry on when I came out to catch my red mule.

The turds! I caught up Sunshine and tied her to the shade tree just as I always do. As soon as I walked off to get a brush and other grooming tools, she brayed and started to paw and shake her head.

She calmed down when I groomed her and saddled her but was all wiggly and sketchy. 

Hmmm. I decided to do a bit of 'ground' work with her to check her attitude since this was so unusual. Her sister didn't help by running the fence line in another area and screaming.

Finally! After a few commands on a long line, she was ready to listen. I got on and sat. I explained to her that behaving stupidly was not in my best interests. 

We rode to the ridge to get the mail. Once we reached the mailbox, she was all mule business and eager to ride. 

I kept it short and simple. We stopped to watch deer.

She went back to her calm and chilled little self. 

When I got home I put her in what we call The Jenny Craig paddock. I put Siera in there too. Both Siera and Sunshine are super easy keepers and probably a bit on the fat side. If they are handy and not out back where it is harder to get them, it is easier for me to grab one for a ride. Be it a short one or a longer one.

I plan on evening rides and exercising them. 
At least, that is my goal.
[Separated from their buddies, even just by a mere hot wire, they both are now self exercising by walking back and forth. Rich said they are self lunging. In a few days, they will get over it.]

As I was putting gear away after our short ride, I saw my neighbor walking with a young couple that had a baby and a young one around the edge of the woods.

I guess the house at the top of the hill must be for sale. 
Eventually I will have to break in yet another set of neighbors?


At least I still have my beautiful girls, Charlie, and of course, hubby.

Our days of riding together are gone, but I still have the memories of all of our fun adventures:


  1. Too bad about Molly but at least you had some help for two weeks. Hope you enjoy some evening rides!!

    1. Well she is young and a scatter brain. But yes, I did have some help in the spring.

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Sunshine is beautiful! I need to get my butt on a horse....

  3. I love your mules! My tack is a musty, dusty mess. Unused for years. Rich looks comfortable and right at home in the photo.

    1. I keep the tack clean even the unused stuff that my husband has. For a while I considered getting rid of it all. Now I'll just wait and see what happens.

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I'm still kind of shocked you can ride mules. I always thought they were pack animals. I guess they are more sure footed than a horse? Makes sense if you take steep trails and rough terrain. Looks like fun.

  5. Did I just post under anonymous? Google is stupid sometimes. Mules.. Pack animals, Riding seems fun. ( My short hand version. )

    1. Mules have been sought after as riding animals for years, but it isn't a common known thing. Of course all the equine that are used to go down into the Grand Canyon are mules that people ride on.
      They are not as elegant as a horse, however they sure are more sure footed than a horse but that comes from the donkey father.

  6. Appointment days really do screw up my whole day. I don't like them. You put in a longer day and use the afternoons better than I do. I usually am done by noon and maybe sqeeze in an hour on a project in the pm. We had a guy down here, my brother's class, who had jumping mules.

    1. Yes, we had one of the State Champion Jumping mules in competition in the early 2001 and 2002. We had more than one mule that could jump fences. We used them while hunting years ago.


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