Saturday, March 05, 2022

Just this

Someone suggested that I wear bubble wrap...hmmmm...

Good idea? Maybe!

Moe to Joe: We aren't catching anything!

Joe: From what I understand it doesn't matter. It's just relaxing to sit and do nothing. Relax and enjoy the fresh air.

Moe: And you are still wearing that silly hat.

Joe: It suits me. Let's fish.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Well at least "you" had bubble wrap on this time. Funny!

    Glad Moe & Joe found open water to reflect upon!!

  2. Sometime I feel the same way:)

  3. Let me know how it works. Since my big fall was on my ceramic tile kitchen floor, l was thinking of using one of those eggshell mattress pads as a substitute.

    1. I think bubble wrap would be awful warm in the summer!


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