Sunday, February 27, 2022

We all Fall Down

Sometimes I wonder about the careless blasé attitude I have towards certain things. Yesterday's hike was great. I left the snowshoes at home and elected to not wear my YakTraks. 

The temperatures were climbing and the snowshoes would have gobbed up with ice and compacted snow after crossing the creek. I headed down the steep trail towards the creek and realized that snowshoes would have been a good choice.

The fresh snow that covered the trail was full of hard lumps and bumps from previous walks and they were hard uneven and still frozen under the fresh snow.

No matter, I slipped and slid and carefully negotiated the nasty footwork. 

I marveled at my own balance and footwork. I was careful and steady. I did not have one misstep at all in a two-ish mile hike through the valley and back up the steep slopes towards home.

I spooked up a huge herd of deer and watched them leap effortlessly through the underbrush. I lost count after 15 deer. 

They had good trails that were easy to follow up and down the hillside. Great for deer and coyote, but a bit bumpy and lumpy for the human foot.

My walks often take to on changes of elevation of nearly 200 ft from ridge to valley. 
On a terrain map it looks like this:

I made the whole trip with a few stops to admire the creek, listen for birds, and track coyotes.
I ended up gathering the mail on the ridge and headed home without any incident.

Perfect right?

At chore time I was in a hurry and pulled the deep sled full of hay out after filling it. I spread it out in different feeders and spots so there was no arguing over piles.

I decided to be really well prepared and got all the hay set up for in the morning. I bent down to pick up a feed bucket in the shed and hurried around the front of the Subaru to put it away.
My foot caught on the rope from the hay sled.

Trying to hang on to a bucket and is stupid mistake. I think. Well. There I went. 
In order to stop a face plant on the shed floor I shot out my left arm. It immediately felt like I'd been stabbed in the shoulder. 

The fall doesn't hurt as much as the sudden stop.
However, I did a fantastic roll....
I would have won an Olympic medal for form.

I spit dirt and stopped moving. Was I alive?
OH yes.

Could I move?
Slowly. My left arm hurt like the dickens, so I rolled to a sit, then to a kneel and rose. 
All I could think was 
oh damn, what pickle this was.

Actually I think my first thoughts were all curse words.

I made it to the house and made Rich come out and get the dirt and snow brushed off my coveralls. 

He immediately wanted me to go to the ED. I made supper and did some icing and resting in a neutral position instead. I said if I was immobile come Monday, I'd go in.

Sunday morning was a surprise. The shoulder still aches but I'm beginning to feel what I did. I have incredibly sore triceps, and a tender bicep, and shoulder blade pain. 
I have good range of motion, but very slow.

Lifting something heavy is not an option.

Ice is nice.
We'll see how the next few days pan out.

Lesson learned. 
be in

And stop marveling at my great balance and footwork. Seems it failed me!


  1. Oh no, wear the yak tracks all the time outside! Hope you mend okay, still do ice and rest today...elevate also if possible. Crap happens.

    1. I fell inside the shed but yes ma'am I put the Yaks on for my walk up to the ridge today!

  2. Ouch!! I sure hope you didn't tear or crack anything. Sorry. Please take it easy and cut yourself some slack. I know the critters (and Rich) still need care. Ask others for help if needed.

    We are still very icy here. I have to hang onto the house when I walk out the human garage door. I and am wearing trackers on dog walks, even with the mushy snow. The ice is very much still under there. C'mon Spring!

    1. I don't like the ice/mud situation either. I will be seeing my doctor on the 15th for other things so probably will talk to her about this if the pain persists.

  3. I had a wonderful fall yesterday as well. I have avoided falling on ice with my bike all winter so far. And then, Yesterday a small patch of ice... Larger than a typical tire length, but short enough for me to think I could navigate it safely. Well, I could embellish it with details, but.. Picture slow motion... My tires spilling and rising up to my head height... Only they were not rising. I was falling.
    The impact was not so bad ( I have had worse.) And I only scratched my elbow a bit. But I had to lay there and stare at the sky for more than a moment figuring out what has just happened. I'm getting to the age where simply falling down causes major damage. I should try to be more careful! Or get better at falling so I have a technique so I don't get hurt as badly. Looks like you still have a lot of snow. Ours will be gone by the end of today, I'm sure.

    1. I've not gotten the falling technique down too well yet, but I am good at rolling around and then laying still!
      Hopefully you are not hurt!

  4. Those falls where you reach out with one arm really causes a great sprain. I remember them even when I was a college kid and still remember the great strain, sprain, pain of the whole arm. Take better care my friend.

    1. Indeed. I thought my goose was cooked. I've had two shoulder surgeries years ago and sure wouldn't want to have to do any more!

  5. Oh gosh, my heart stopped. And that was on the hike before you fell. I used to think I had enough cushioning that I wasn't worried if I fell. I had an interesting fall in the shower once where I must have done an Olympic flip on to the bathroom floor with the shower curtain on top of me (I got up and went to work) and did a nice fancy footwork one in a dip in the yard with an audience. But, the stuff nightmares are made of, was washing dishes in my kitchen. Did I slip? Did I trip? Who knows. Next I was laying on my stomach, kind of foggy and numb and looking under my refrigerator and thinking someone really needs to clean under there. I looked to my left and saw my left arm in front of the stove (which is over four feet away and impossible) and decided I needed to move it closer. And realized I could not move my arm. The effort, however, did restore feeling to my arm and I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. After some nice young men managed to pry me off the floor, dosed my with useless painkillers and sped "code red" to the trauma unit, we discovered I had a displaced spiral fracture of the humerus. Wish means my upper arm was broken in half, with each pointy end pointing in different direction. The upper part of the bone had an additional spiral break, kind like a twisted ribbon. I could go on, but you get it. It really made me over conscious of dangers of falling in the future. Please take care. And if the pain remains, please get it checked. I feel so awful for you.

    1. Oh MY! That must have been terrifying.
      I imagine it took you a while to recover from that.
      I am pretty aware of the dangers of falling as I have to discuss that often with my husband and his social worker.
      This morning there is almost no pain unless I try to lift something in a certain way.

      I will have it checked if it is still bothersome in two weeks when I see my doctor for a follow up on other things. She will obviously give me a stern look and a sigh of exasperation.

      I have no excuse for my stupidity, ... I was in a hurry! Duh!

  6. Those darn sled ropes! I use on on occasion, like this morning mucking Beamer's stall. I always throw the rope into the sled or under the front of it so it won't be a clutz trap for me (I'm quite the clutz!) or my horses. I imagine a nightmare scenario of a horse stepping through the rope and taking off with the sled bouncing and banging away beside them... :O(
    Hopefully you will be ok with no lasting injuries!

    1. It is worth noting and I thought I'd automatically flipped the rope...alas, I didn't.
      Really what a clutz I was!


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