Friday, December 17, 2021

Just moving along

The above 7 second video is from when I was doing chores Wednesday night. I thought it would be fun to use the time lapse 'movie' feature on my camera.

I had intended it to go on for a while but even with a weighted tripod, I was afraid there would be a wind gust and it would blow the whole works over.

The winds didn't happen until nearly 9pm, but it pays to be cautious. I sure didn't want to lose the camera and the lens.

A wee spot of color

The old hand made Teddy makes
his appearance on the chair

I made this jointed Teddy Bear 35 years ago. I can see that his one ear needs a bit of mending. He is in rather great shape as he only really comes out at Christmas time. He spends most of his time otherwise in the extra bedroom upstairs.

The green bear is a simple and easy 3 piece stuffed bear. I used to make so many of them and give them away as stocking stuffers. I made a very large one out of fur one time, it was really beautiful.

The other bear was a cast off I found at a Thrift Store. Its tag was ripped out and it is missing some roses, but I thought it was really quite beautiful. I guess I must like bears, right?

I'm not done with the log
homes yet, but
I figured I'd 
let the Polar Bears
Explore them with 
the Mad Snow People.

The roof comes off from each of the stick houses. I used Elderberry trees which generally grow almost perfectly straight and can be nipped with a hand nipper. 
They are perfectly Imperfect. A work in progress. I don't know if I'll add rooms or floors ... or make another strange looking house.

I may take clay and fill in the gaps like a 'real' log house would look. It is something that occupies my mind and hands. My husband says he sees no sense in it.

I quip that it cost nothing and when I am done, if I don't like it, I can toss it in the brush pile.

Logic will take you from A to
Imagination will take you everywhere...
Albert Einstein


  1. Wow! AmaZing!! What grandiose decorate's, perfectly balanced with an interesting variety of all things Val. That is one very special handmade bear. The log homes are adorable, the Polars are clearly enjoying them. Nice quote, so true. LOVE it all!!!

    1. One thing is I don't think about placing stuff, I just keep fiddling and messing until I am happy and then I go back and move things around again...
      and again.
      I put fairy lights in jars and they look beautiful. Those I will keep around after Christmas.
      That was the hardest bear I've ever made. Corduroy is insane to work with. But I was happy enough to keep this one for all these years.
      Thank you, for the nice compliment.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    That was some scary winds moving those clouds! Fun with the bears! Of course they will hang around since they have that nice den there. :) At this stage of my life I choose imagination over logic, nice quote. Stay as safe as possible.

    1. Thanks, I am having fun with the mad snowpeople and bears. I know it is silly in a way, but it is fun also. That snowperson with the wild hair is...well, crazy looking.
      So far no fights have broken out.

  3. Oh so pretty! I do like you log structures too!

    1. Thanks! They need to plug the holes! :)

  4. You play with your mad snow people as much as I fiddle with my dollhouse! I tried a chair tree yesterday. At least I put a tree in a crock and put it on a chair. Unfortunately the whole mess tipped over tonight with a few casualties.

    1. Oh wow, I just looked at your doll house ... how amazing! I will respond in a timely, I think! Love it.

      I found some birch branches and used a tiny crock with stones and marbles as a base then put the whole thing in an old copper coal scuttle. The weight keeps it put. Today I found some pine branches and tossed them in here and there.
      I use rocks in the crock to keep stuff from tipping.

      That dollhouse is so cool.

  5. Cool video. I wish I had known about those eldeberry twigs when I was a kid. Looks like they could have been great replacement for Lincoln Logs.

  6. You are so creative!
    I am a teddy bear collestor too. I have at least 10 of them, mostly small ones.
    My husband has one that was hand made for his dad, so it is at least 85 years old.


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