Saturday, November 13, 2021

Adventures in the Bathroom

Indeed, this sounds like a very strange and weird title! But what can a person with a camera find interesting in a very familiar place. A place we don't visit often to get visually stimulated. 
[Insert hysterical laughter here...]

Hubby's reaction to seeing me step into our bathroom with a tripod.

"What on earth ARE you doing?"

Me: "Practicing something."

He shakes his head and turns back to the TV. Then he says, "Is this going to make you millions of dollars and make you famous?"

I sigh. "Nope. I am doing this for fun and as a mental and visual exercise."

I glance out of the bathroom and he has tuned me out. After all! It is YouTube Football recaps!

I look around the bathroom and sigh. This could be SO boring or so interesting. I flip the toilet lid down and start to go into my daydream zone where I am not looking at anything but am letting my mind wander. 

[Yes, I am an expert at that and used to get 'called' on it in school. My poor parents would be told that their daughter would be in the middle of class and the teacher noticed that I had this look of being somewhere else while physically sitting at my desk.
I got yelled at, I got chastised, I got lectured to and punished. But I'd still drift off somewhere else in the middle of class. After all, the teacher was less interesting than my day dreams.

Pretty boring, right? So I spent more time thinking. 
And more time looking. I sat on the floor with my back to the sink and stared at the toilet. I was happy that I'd cleaned the bathroom. 

The toilet tank offered a white on white background for the handmade gift soap that I received from a friend.

The soap begged to be done in High Key.

I don't know why the edges appear darkened when resized for the blog, but there it is. 

And then there was the toilet

Basically I started just staring a the shapes of the roll and the angle of the metal holder. [It is a horse shoe holder]

Then I got another idea.

Why no one 
likes to change
the roll....

How did you all know that I'd fit toys in here somehow?

Our bathroom is small and I surely didn't want to photograph the inside of the shower. But that could be fun!

My parting shot was of the shower curtain. It is the one item I can change whenever I want to. I have two shower curtains that I had made through different on line companies. This one is not one of my own photographs. 

I love this new bathroom that was put in. The old bathroom was one nightmare after another. If you really want a laugh regarding do it Yourself Plumbing see How to get Your Sink Fixed for some giggles.

Snow today with rain.

I wonder what I'll be up to?


  1. You have a pretty interesting bathroom! :) Snow here right now:(

    1. We are supposed to get snow later today and they are advising people NOT to drive. Ditch time!

  2. I read your do it yourself plumbing...sounds like our kitchen drain...I have a pink scrub gallon pail under that drain.

    1. It was so funny afterwards but not during. Even funnier was the time he was 'going to' fix the dryer. I used that time to freeze his clothes on the line and stand his pants up in a snow drift.

  3. I am pretty impressed with the bathroom photograph exercise! You are a very talented photographer and a good imagination certainly helps. I was one of those day dreamers, too. And, I still am!!!!!

    1. I can see that you are an imaginative dreamer from your vision of your Hallmark decorating!
      Thanks, I enjoy photography as a creative outlet otherwise I'd be drawing stick figures having adventures!

  4. I don't think it's strange. I've taken photos of (placed) things in my bathroom before. I like the lighting & background it offers. Nice soap/wrap & photos, and that is a great curtain!!

  5. After reading the Leaky faucet AND the Icecream post, I have deducted that your Hubby is not a plumber. And sometimes water scares people into procrastination. I'm not much of a plumber either, but I HATE drippy faucets! And will move heaven and earth to fix it. ( In our case, reverse the roles where Cheryl plays the part of the hubby.) I'm getting much better at it now, as I have swapped out several faucets around our apartment. ( New ones only last about 5 years... the experts say.) Love the photos. They look like catalog pics for bathroom "design" and items.

    1. Hubby is a procrastinator. He used to be quite the whiz at fixing anything. Just in his own time.


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