Tuesday, December 29, 2020

SNOW...and Survey and dreaded social media

Our local hospital sent two surveys to us. One by email and one by letter. Rich said he wasn't going to fill it out because he couldn't answer the questions which are multiple choice.

Would you recommend VMH to friends or family members?
How would you rate your meals?
Did the doctor explain everything to you?
Blah blah blah...
So at the very end is a comment section.

*I am a Caregiver for my husband who is a Veteran who goes to the VA. Before he was admitted, I told the phone triage nurse that he suffers from... blah blah blah, which includes mild dementia and communication issues. 
Under the circumstances I think VMH did the best they could. However after being told he had Covid-19 and then told he didn't have Covid...he was transferred to the Covid area he became confused and very frightened. His medications were missed and it took nearly 24 hours for the hospital to contact me regarding his meds. 
He never was told 'what' was wrong with him and did not get any suggestions for follow up care. His discharge papers did not specify what the issue was either.
One week later and no one from who gave him care called to see if he was okay.
The staff was excellent and caring which they always are. However, they are not prepared to handle elderly veterans with mental health/memory/communication issues.
VMH needs to step up to the plate as many aged veterans live in this area.*

I left the rest of the survey blank. 

Next I got an email notice from a casual friend who was ranting and raving about Covid being not a big deal and how the death rate is only .17%. Her friend's mother got Covid and died 10 days later. Her words: She smoked like a chimney when she was younger and had Congestive Heart Failure. So she died because she didn't take care of herself not because of Covid. 

Let me stop here for a moment. Covid-19 has changed friendships and families. Well, a lot of friendships have been strained in 2020. Those who have a loved one who fall into the 'high risk' group have different attitudes than those who simply have decided that this pandemic is no big deal and it is the flu.

I have good friends who have flaunted the Covid cautions. I can still communicate with them and they DO understand now that they are not welcome in my house until ... further notice. I love them, but they are doing their thing and not forcing it down my throat.

Yet this casual friend's post really irked me. How different would her attitude be if her late husband [who spent two wicked years dying from cancer]... what if he were still alive would her attitude be different? 

My husband and her husband were friends, they loved old cars...they both went through cancer treatment at the same time. He died. Rich didn't.

So yes after her constant bashing of Covid and safety practices on her blog, I finally said my piece. It was nice but to the point. Yeah, I'm an Ass. I could have just ignored it like I normally do.

I have a couple of good friends who do practice distancing, masking, and being careful. 
Birds of a feather shall flock together in times like these.
Yes but distantly, right?

I cannot undo the send button on this person's post. I should have ignored it. But I'd just been nagged by email to do a survey twice and once by mail on the same day.

I'm going to go to my corner now and face the wall. I was naughty. I am not the type of person that does that.

The good news is we have snow!

My shed cleaning efforts have paid off. I can park the 'Ru in the round pen with the hay, the skid steer, and the 4 wheeler! My bicycle is under the yellow sheet.

Shoveling tomorrow? Or? Cross Country skiing?

I am staying away from Social Media. 
Smacks head.


  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    All that hard work paid off for you! It is so nice to have the car inside rather than snow covered. I definitely agree agree with you about avoiding social media, I actually went a step further and deleted my accounts. Stay safe and warm. We are getting more snow up north too.

    1. I just deleted this person off my FB list. I mainly use FB for discussing fractal art with other artists and keeping in touch with a few cousins. She was on a Blog site and I will unfollow there also.
      I have no use for people who have lost their hearts and empathy. I may have been that way once, but caring for MIL and for Rich has made me realize that even people with poor health contribute to enriching MY life and are important to me.

  2. Isn't it odd how one person's "rude" or at least "insensitive" comment can ruin your day? ugh! Covid is a thorny conversation. Handle with care! Some folks treat it like it is nothing because they are scared and want to "yell at their fear" Some really don't care. And others are taking it very seriously. Our own family is a mixed bag of extremes. The "Nurse/ receptionist" treats it like it is the common cold. Cheryl's folks are trying to be "responsible" and Her Sister treats it like the plague. As for my family... My Mom was a hypochondriac and that has made the Opposite impression with both me and my brother. ( He caught the Covid several weeks ago... Despite all the safety features. He survived and is now similar to me. "Not that big of a deal" (Not true! IT rocked my works back in January... but I don't actually know if it was the Covid...so we will never know.) Stiff upper lip! Humans will be humans, and we all make mistakes. I'm glad the Old man seems to be getting on well. Still tough as nails! OR so he should tell himself. Oh! Cross country Skiing! Not even a contest... I with the Snow in Iowa would linger long enough to enjoy it again. IT has been years since I strapped on skis. Good times!

  3. Good for you answering the survey...I would have contacted the Hospital Administrator in addition to the survey. Just stating the facts. I hope you hear from them.
    I hope that Rich is improving everyday.
    I just shoveled some of that beautiful white stuff...we got about three inches. My brother came by and shovel some for me and let his grands play with my electric snow shovel!
    Some people are so stupid when it comes to Covid...people are dying...wear a mask ...wash your hands and do it for your friends if not for yourself. We have "friends" who think it is a joke and it really makes my husband irate. I have unfriend most of them...I do not want to accociate myself with idiots.


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