Friday, March 15, 2019

Life, Winter, Spring.

Winter is beginning its final curtain call for this year. The March sun penetrates the deep snows and down to the layers of ice where the melt starts.

The sun is warm on my face as I rest it against the bark of the huge Cottonwood tree. I lean against the tree and let the warm light wash my face as I listen to the water run over the rocks near my feet.

And I think about Life and Death and I think about Winter and Spring. And I think about those who are ill. I think about children.

I am grounded by this place. By this magnificent Cottonwood tree that has stood here ever since I could recall. This creek that is ever changing.

And I know that soon, winter will be gone and the anticipation of finding fern curls and morel mushrooms will replace my love for the beauty of the snow.

I will welcome Spring.
I push away from my tree and let my hands pat its warm bark.


  1. I will welcome spring also. Seems like a week of deaths, I just finished writing more sympathy cards. Your snow is still pretty:)

    1. It is almost gone now creating havoc in some parts of our state. Yes, it has been a bit of a roller-coaster week. But it is almost over.


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