Friday, July 27, 2018

Morning Mists

Not a lot to say but I'll just put up a few photos from my walk with Charlie the other day.

I have had appointments of one kind or another all week long.

I do love my morning walks with Charlie! He likes them also and doesn't mind getting soaked through from the morning dew.

...and of course ...
Rabbit and Bear.
I found a little wicker chair for Bear.
I wonder how it will work out.


  1. We only had three days of appointments this week, so with two free I hardly knew what to do! week just two appts...I hope. I have been too tired to do early morning walks so I enjoyed your photos:)

  2. I so understand! The past few mornings I've gotten up later. My body must be set to follow the sun. Charlie is the motivator for morning walks, he is quieter when we get back and doesn't wake up Rich!


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