Monday, May 07, 2018

Weekend Away

Okay, it was not 'away' really. But it was away from Mother in Law care and appointment making, check book balancing, book-work, and fencing.

My friends from the Kenosha-Racine area came for another visit.
The men folk changed the oil in the diesel and we moved a hay feeder, took care of chores and items that needed extra hands.

Then we packed snacks and sandwhiches and instead of hiking in Awesome Creek we went to Duck Egg County Forest.

As you can see in the top shot, the Springville Branch of the Bad Axe River was running hard. Normally it is a very swift river anyway. The six inches of rain was still coming down the hills into the streams and rivers.
We had a scare with Scout, pictured below.
He loves water and decided to jump in next to the bridge, he was swept away and we all freaked out.
Lucky dog. He was able to get out about 10 feet down stream. We kept him on a leash near all the water crossings after that. Whew!
However, Scout is a quick learner. He didn't try those waters again.

Saturday morning was spent on exploring the recent flooding of the Kickapoo River.

The Kickapoo River is a rather slow moving river and when it floods it just creeps over the banks and spreads out.

Most of the towns along this river have parks into which the river can overflow into. After many historic floods most of the homes that can be flooded have moved homes out of the flood plane.

The wild flowers at Duck Egg were in rare form. 
I'll have to do another blog just on them.

So many wild flowers vivid at the same time instead of the usual order of things.


  1. We are all happy Scout is ok, after a scary thing like that to happen. Hopefully, there won't be any more flooding rains coming anytime soon. Glad the rest of day looked very peaceful to enjoy. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  2. Good for you to do something else! My goodness that was lots of water:)


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