Friday, April 27, 2018

The never ending farm job

I know that it seems that I am always doing something to the electric fence. It seems that it is a never ending job sometimes. However, spring clean up is always a must.

I use endurosoft electric fencing. Sometimes when the deer jump the fences during the winter months they stretch a wire or pull it off an insulator. I generally walk the fences once a day anyway in the summer to check on them. 
Yesterday I had both Charlie and Dixie helping me out in the woods.

The temperatures were quite warm and the 'kids' helped me by just being there. I talked to them asking them to inspect and of course they did. Dixie stuck her wet nose on my glasses while I was hooking up a wire and Charlie crawled up onto my legs.

When we were finished with a section of the fencing, I took them back to the porch so we could all have some water.

The kids started to play with a raccoon squeaky toy.

Dixie would take it and Charlie would try to get it back.

What really surprised me was how gentle Dixie was about the whole thing.
Neither dog growled, but played for quite a while together.

Eventually Charlie laid down on the rug I'd put on the porch and Dixie sat near him. I think eventually they will be an inseparable pair.

I let each dog rest and gathered my things to do some more fence touch ups.

I had a venison roast in the oven and garden veggies ready to eat with it after chores. It is nice to eat a whole meal gathered on your own land.

I guess that is why I keep up with this never ending job.


  1. It is great to hear how Dixie and Charlie are bonding!

  2. I get it. The never ending part! Like Farm Buddy, I love watching the relationship that has developed between Charlie and Dixie.

  3. farm buddy and Lori!
    I keep getting amazed by the tender relationship between the two dogs. Morris was always so good with puppies but put them in their proper place. Dixie seems content with a "mother" like attitude. She is so kind.

  4. Good that the dogs will be pals! Fencing is an important part of farming:)


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