Well you don't have to say...I told you so!...
Because yesterday I actually enjoyed myself. I had GG and mom in law .. I was the driver and I had GG and MIL telling me how to get to the cemeteries. One in the back seat, one in the front.
"Turn Right," they'd chime in. "Turn here ... park here!" We visited the relatives 'headstones' and I was caught in a moment where my husband knelt by his father's grave and placed a hand on the earth. He then dug out some chewing tobacco and placed it in the earth. "For you Pa." I heard him say.
I took a photo at that moment. Looking at it later...well, it is a beautiful shot. A keeper for sure.
I took my 'riders' out to lunch and enjoyed the halting conversation between MIL who can't hear worth a hoot and GG who could only get out partial thoughts and words. They have been mom and son for so long that communication was no issue.
I took MIL home then we got home. I went to work on the fence. When GG woke up I asked him for approval and opinion. Our communication was very difficult. He couldn't 'see' what I was asking. So I asked him if he could drive the 4 wheeler to where I needed his opinion. It was an agonizing conversation. But worth it. ~~ I suppose I could have just not asked his opinion and got the job done on my own. But I don't want to keep him from helping in farm decisions, right?
GG and I worked on language skills. His Speech Therapist gives us homework. Yesterday was harder than usual. Writing some words were beyond him.
I need to get the VA and GLHP organized next. The trauma center wants to follow up with him. The brain surgeon needs to do another surgery. However ... the VA is not approving more appointments. Now I need to bring in VA neuroscience and get them on board. Or just bite the bullet and hope for the best with Gundersen.
Today though, I am NOT farming, not fencing, not mowing, not making supper, not...doing anything unless it is chores.
I have a friend checking out some buyers for the equine. I have a call into Equity Livestock for help with culling cattle.
Today, I take GG fishing. I will pack us a lunch and we will go fishing. Yes. I may need to learn how to clean fish [ick] ... but we will do something that GG adores and doesn't have to work on thinking and conversation.
One day.
At a time
Touching photo...speaks volumes...