Thursday, February 09, 2017

The email you don't want to get

Well we were woken by Elena screaming at 430am. Our house was on fire. We are all out safely and at Judi's house until the all clear is given. Do not know the extent yet.

I really am not too sure as to what to write here. I am having the knee jerk reaction of running to the vehicle and racing to...oh, what?
They no longer have a place to live and I think...think? wonder... where do they go from here?
My son blames the wife. I told him not to make blame but to look forward and not backwards, as it does NO good to lay blame anyway.

I could have lost my son, his wife, and two grand kids. Why place blame at this point? Just thank the gods that be that the 3 yr old got up to go potty by herself and started screaming bloody murder. Hmmm, smoke detector had NO battery.
For the moment they are at the mom in law's apartment but I think they are in contact with the Red Cross as this makes them 'homeless'.

I don't know what happens next but I do know that I am so happy to know they are alive.
I am lucky that I have a wonderful rural neighbor who whipped through her kids drawers and closets and I've netted 3 big bags of clothes for the little ones.

I'll be leaving in the morning to see my youngest son, wife and kids. I just sort of need to put my arms around them. I'll stay at a motel and then be back on the farm by Sunday.


  1. Why don't you tell your blog readers what things your son and his family need, and I am sure people would be happy to help. We could send you things for the family. I have no money, but I am sure I could find some household items, books, or something that could be helpful to their family.

  2. Where is your son? So sorry to read this post about the fire. Please keep us posted.

  3. @Farm Buddy, as of this moment I am taking bags of clothing and emotional support, I am going to go see what the family will need and keep the readers posted.
    Thank you Lori I will follow up after I access the situation.

  4. I am so sorry, but thank goodness no one was hurt. Things can be rebuilt. Do let us know what we can do to help.

  5. Thanks in Wausau now to meet with the kids.


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