Saturday, December 31, 2016

A perfect day.

It started with a snow shoe trek with my Grand daughter and Morris.

She built a little snow house made of sticks, rocks, leaves and snow in the creek for Doe, Fawn, and Deer.
Morris kept watch over her.

The wind howled above us.

My neighbor who lives at the top of the driveway, in what we fondly now call 'upstairs' and I got together for her first experience with snowshoes.

We find that arranging an adventure at night is convenient as her kids are tucked safely into bed and hubby can keep an eye on things. It actually works out well.
My hubby is ready for bed by the time we go on a night jaunt in the snow and the wilds.

So last night I introduced her to snowshoeing. We walked across the Merry Meadow and I pointed to a dark space in the woods and mentioned that there was this deer trail that went off a point and dropped steeply into the creek.
She was all over that.
"Let's go check it out"!

The winds were gusting up to 20 miles an hour, we both had headlamps, so I thought why not? And then I thought, this is insane? And then I thought this will be fun!
It turned out to be a great decision as it got us out of the winds.
I was sure that the trail would be impossible to find but was amazed at how easy it actually was.
After all, I've been hiking this trail for 20 years and I watched for my machete marks on the trees that marked the trail.
I may add that the deer and all other wood creatures used this same path as the steep hillside is choked with underbrush, except on this trail.

I felt pretty pleased to seemingly navigate myself and Lauren through the maze in the dark. She seemed pretty impressed also. However I had to tell her that it hadn't been really that hard. I pointed out the markings on some of the trees.

We climbed over logs, ducked under branches and dropped down into the valley. When we came around the willow trees I pointed my light down. We were at the creek.

There it was softly making beautiful creek noises as it the water tumbled over the rocks.
We turned out lights out and looked up at the stars. Wisps of clouds scurried over the night sky. The sky display was amazing.

So was the peaceful quiet. We both just stood quietly for a bit and drank in the night sky above us.

Then it was time to show Lauren how to 'Creek Leap' with snow shoes on. We had a narrow stream that was not too deep to cross. Creek Leaping is an art I've perfected over the past 20 years of hiking this valley.

This is a shot of one of the crossings we did in the dark. It is an archived photo of course.
We headed upstream towards our property and I stopped to show her an ice formation that was starting along the sandstone wall.

Lauren was able to get this shot with her cell phone camera.

And then she took this of my backside.

In years past this little ice formation becomes incredible. It of course depends on the weather.
But here is a sample.
I've often wondered what hiking through the valley would be like at night.
Now I have an adventerous person to do that with.

However I'm sure our husbands are nodding and scratching their heads...positive that they will have to commit their wives for being so eager to cross country ski and snowshoe at Night in the Wild Woods in the Winter.

I disagree. If you haven't done winter sports at night, you are missing out on some incredible views and fun.

We returned from our first big adventure in the woods on snowshoes and I think both Lauren and I were determined to do it again soon.

What a great end to a nearly perfect day.

1 comment:

  1. You have a great sense of adventure! I love taking shots in the dark...they can be so dramatic!


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