Thursday, October 08, 2015

Do you want to Hike Morris?

The colors have started to really come out here.  Fall is taking its time but I have been lucky enough to enjoy it.

I miss having Badger, yesterday would have been a wonderful day to have him as my 'pack' mule.  Instead I put my sling camera bag on and with Morris in tow we headed out for a very long hike.

It may have taken a shorter time, but since I was going through the now rough and wild woods and land of our neighor's, we had to do a lot of wading through tall grass and weeds even if we were on a deer trail.
Finally we got to the area that is mowed around the corn field and the walking was easier.

Someone actually mowed the ridge road above the 'back valley'.  That was where I was headed.

Earlier this year, it was nearly impassable.  But I guess that is what happens when the cattle no longer graze on the land.

We made it to the back valley and got down into the creek.  I had visions of walking along the creek as I used to ... but the underbrush was too thick and I decided to wait until winter when the foliage has died down.

Morris disappeared in the tall grasses and undergrowth, it was hard to keep an eye on him.  I considered putting a bell on him so I can hear where he is.

He is a great little dog.  Unless he is rolling in something terribly nasty, he will come immediately at a whistle.

Here he appears curious as to why on earth would I call him?  Couldn't I see he was busy?

I hadn't done this trail since early spring and was extremely happy that the owners had cleaned it up.  

I know it is in preparation for the gun deer season, but at least this late fall [after season] and perhaps before season, I'll be able to saddle up and ride through here.

I miss having the cattle keeping the woods clean and tidy.  They have been gone for 10 yrs now and much of this acreage is nearly impassable unless you are a deer or something smaller.

Anyway, I was over come by the beautiful colors I found on the trail.

The yellows are abundant in this portion of the woods.

We did find oranges on the ridge.

When we got back up on the cropland, the sky was crazy beautiful.  Couldn't help but think of what my grandmother used to say.  These clouds were a sign of rain.
Hopefully we get some, it surely is needed.

I was able to fit a lot into this day by getting up very early.

Before I left for our hike at 11, I'd processed and froze tomatoes, squash, and had done our laundry which was hanging on the line along with some blankets to air them out.

The disadvantage of that and hiking 3+ miles was that I was worn out early.  Bed was very welcome not soon after it got dark outside.

And yes, Morris was worn out also.  Last night though and this morning he is not acting as if he is sore at all.  
Neither am I!

Perhaps we are getting back into shape after a long hiatus from daily hiking.


  1. I am glad that you and Morris are having fun! I am also glad you appreciate the good things cattle can do for the land.

  2. I'm glad you are able to get out and enjoy the fall, sounds like a wonderful day.


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