Last week was a marathon week of getting fencing repaired and checked so that the mares and molly mules, along with the donkeys could move to the 'Merry Meadow' also know as summer pasture.
I moved the Dexter cattle into their summer pasture and so far they have been very content and quiet.
I made a hot wire lane up the driveway and into the Meadow. The 'girls' have done this for a few years and they pretty much walked quietly until they hit the meadow.
Then Sunshine and Sundance broke out in a gallop and snorted and bucked.
The donkeys trotted in a group while the mares whirled and pranced.
All settled in after a while.
I think I'll move Fred, Siera, and Dinah in a day or so. Then all but the geldings will be on pasture.
Yesterday's skies were incredible.
The expected storms didn't happen here.
Nice to have everyone out on grass, that must make things a bit easier for you. I hope!