Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dell update

I ordered via the internet, created an account and found discount coupons.

Just an FYI with ordering this way.
No hassle, and the price difference?

$453 less.

Thank you Dell.  
I will enjoy my new awesome super charged butt kicker laptop.

Doing the happy dance.

And since FedEx can never find my house I am having it delivered to work.
Someone is there to receive it 24 hrs a day.



  1. Brilliant News :-)

  2. A lot better than the last couple of times. I'm a mac person and have also ordered on line before and received it in no time. Bet you get it by tomorrow and will be off and running.

  3. It is supposed to be delivered on March 13th.
    I thought about a mac but some of my graphic programs don't run on mac.


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