Saturday, November 03, 2012

Training people by Morris

She thinks I work for cookies.  She thinks I should be a model.
She is a dork.

I'm the con artist you see.  I know she has cookies in her pocket and she wants me to sit nice and pretty on a rock so she can take my portrait.

She says 'sit' and waves a cookie around.  I stand and stare at her, then lick my lips.  If I frustrate her enough, she'll give me the cookie.
Then I act like I'm in trouble, I drop my ears and pretend I have no IDEA what 'sit' is.
Lick my lips once more to let her know, I KNOW those cookies are mine!  She is still saying 'Sit Morris, SIT!'
So I go ahead and sit and stare at her feet.  Not what she wanted.  But I'm watching to see if she moves at all.  I want the cookie at all costs!

I get the cookie.
I eat the cookie.
Then I run and jump and go sniffing, doing what dogs do best.
Yes I 'watered' some rocks and then of course did what SHE had wanted me to do all along...
I did a most 
I got a second cookie for that.
It was a 2 cookie outing.  Pretty good don't you say?

One of these days, I'll actually have her trained.
But some humans are just so hard to work with!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Morris you are just too adorable and so amazingly clever at training the humans, your secret is safe with us :-)


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