Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sudden heat and Equine COPD

After a 6 months of winter then one of the coldest Aprils on record...


Suddenly we have three days of 80+ degree days with high dew points [translates into uncomfortable].

How does that affect the COPD/ROA Equine?

First off, high temps and high humidity affect all farm animals, especially if they are not acclimated yet.
The Dexter cattle were slightly stressed with elevated breathing and so were the healthy equine.
Plenty of cool water seems to help. Plus shade if the sun is beating down on them.

How about Badger?
His respirations are up but not too alarming. He seems to be eating quite normal and eating with vigor.
For this I breath a sigh of relief.
Of course, we've had plenty of rain so I believe this has been a huge factor in his breathing ease. The dust and perhaps some of the harmful pollens have been 'dampened'.

Badger doesn't have any idea that he has a 'condition'. He played with the younger two animals in his paddock last night. He shook his head, bucked and loped a circle, then tossed his head as the little ones chased each other around.

We are supposed to get back into more seasonal temperatures by this weekend. So perhaps Badger, Morris, and I can go hunting for morel mushrooms and wildflower photo ops.

NOTE:  This was supposed to have been published on 5-13-2011


  1. So what happened...the post went to Blogger La La Land? Have you posted that photo before...I swear I've seen it (cause I like it)?

  2. How did that happen? Just checked on all your posts... You have been doing some serious experimenting! Love the two pups further down.

  3. I think it got lost and I have had similar posts...the Bloggerdashboard said it was awaiting 'posting'..

  4. Lori~ yes the pups are a joy to photograph...lol...sometimes!


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