You ever just been flummoxed?
You have so many things going on that you just have no idea where to start and what to do?
You feel like you are going in several directions at once ...
the hurried~er you go...
the behind~er you get?
Yep that's where I am at today.
I'm chasing my proverbial tail and not getting anywhere at all.
Although today I did use a scythe to 'down' weeds under the electric fence, placed a dozen phone calls to put a look out for Sue.
The sheriff's department thought they had a good 'lead' but the hound was the wrong color.
I helped repair fences that were torn down during Friday night's gosh awful storm.
So I got things done, but not the things on my to do list.
Well there is tomorrow.
But somehow I have the feeling that I'll probably end up going through the same thing.
Tomorrow we are calling a specialist veterinarian for Sunshine. I think she'll end up having to get x-rays of her leg.
She has not improved dramatically and the opinion that she had an abscess doesn't seem to be coming true?
Hopefully I'm wrong and it is something simple.
Life is never exactly simple though is it?
Look how these little things have gotten me going 'round and 'round.
Well, off to work. I have Mon and Tues off and then go into a 7 day 4-midnight shift. I'm doing vacation duty for someone.
So sorry to hear that you haven't found Sue yet. I sure hope that she comes home. I really don't know why some bad things happen in multiples. I just hope it all turns around for you. Lot's of luck with both Sue and Sunshine.