This was one of those days.
[Grandpa's 60th Birthday was yesterday.]
Grandpa's Birthday wish?
To have the grandkids spend the night and for us all to go for a hike in the woods the next day...on an
We found 'car bones' and a 'head bone' and the kids got to go in a creek for their first time ever.
Jumping logs was discovered by Dennis. Both kids found out that tripping wasn't that bad. The forest floor doesn't really hurt.
Other things learned:
1. You can walk in mule poop with rubber chore boots and it is okay.
2. You can walk in the creek and get your pants muddy and wet and it is okay.
3. 'Pricker' bushes are icky, but can be avoided.
4. Best yet Grandpa and Grandma will always pick you up when you fall.
[ love to my 'kids' S&S, thanks for letting your precious children spend the night and morning with us]
What can I say~~~~
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