I made it ... I made it!
7 days of work without any days off~~I survived.
Yet this morning, it is back for an 11 hour shift.
I sure hate the alarm ringing at 4am on some mornings. Just didn't want to roll out of bed today.
But I got some good rest yesterday. It was cold and gloomy, just right for taking a long daytime nap.
Let's see, so nothing really important happened at all.
[oh yes, I did get to talk with my brother, that was very important to me]
We went over to see Mom and she is really doing quite well. She does have a pretty shiner and is amazing in the fact that she is doing well with her arm taped and banded to her side. She says the shoulder doesn't hurt her at all right now.
This is good and I am hoping that she doesn't have difficulty when the orthopedic doctor sees her in a week.
Tomorrow I take her to her ER follow up appointment.
I can't wait to get back out into the woods after the rains we had! Things will really start blooming and growing now that we've had nearly 4" of rain over the weekend.
Oh, the drive home Sunday night in wind whipped rain and blinding downpours was interesting.
We'd had a 'night crawler' rain.
It rained SO hard that the night crawlers had crawled up onto the black top and I swear, I was driving on worms instead of black top at some points on the way home!
Have a great day.
I will.
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