Friday, November 23, 2007

Jingle to Me...

Yep, jingle bells to me. We finally reached the point in our house where we had to become a 2-computer household. I've been eyeing a notebook for a while and carefully weighed the pros and the cons.
Yes, there is a real true need for it. I am still in college and doing homework like mad. 'Honey bunches' is getting tired of no internet time and with winter closing in...well let's just say we 'both' need access to a computer.

I got a Dell, the Inspiron 1501. I did all sorts of research regarding it before I even started playing with the components that I wanted. Surprising how a 6lb computer can be so much more powerful than what I have now as a desktop.
Technology is amazing.

I did call Dell and talk to a rep. I'm not doing an add for them, but I do have to say that the gent was patient and very knowledgeable. He didn't try to talk me out of the 1501 and try to sell me something else. The 1520 is comparible but I got nearly the same components across the board for less.
This means I can do my homework from downstairs, or anywhere in the house I choose and hubby can read the local message board and entertain himself!
I also won't have to spend another day listening to my SIL instead of doing my essays! I can take the darn thing with me, plug in earphones, listen to tunes, and do my work!

Jingle Jingle Jingle to Me! [that means I'm paying for it with my own hard earned saved up money]


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you. :) I've been using my Dell laptop since 2004 and I love it. I am ready for a new one though. :) Of course, that probably won't happen for a while. Anyway, really glad you got one. You're going to have a blast being able to move all over. I love sitting on my porch with mine, watching the birds while reading my email. :) Enjoy it!


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